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The Division: Last Stand DLC Available Now with Free Trial

Last Stand DLC

Last month, The Division announced an update that went live on PTR called Update 1.6. In it, detailed a freight of new changes and tweaks to the game including contamination events, North Dark Zone area, new PvP mode called Last Stand, and much more. Of course, anything launched on public test realms are subject to change as the team receives feedback. Thus, some of the before-mentioned information may be different now. Fortunately for you, the Last Stand DLC is available for all at a price of absolutely free on all platforms.

Since the last detailed update, a new incursion called “Stolen Signal” has been added to the mix where players must “venture into three different wings and face unique combat scenarios”. By completing all three, players can unlock a final boss that is being flaunted as “the strongest opposition yet”. For multiplayer Dark Zone areas, there are now leaderboards that allow you to earn rewards by competing in activities each week and month. This will also allow players to see how well they fare in comparison to others. Those with a competitive streak can climb higher for even better loot.

The Last Stand game mode is an 8 versus 8 PvP that requires you to fight and control 3 key areas. It will take place in one of the 4 Dark Zone maps. The team that amasses the max amount of points wins the game. In order to do that, teams must capture the “three objectives inside the location”. What is a competitive PvP without methods of gaining an upper hand though? During combat and attempts to capture objectives, there are fortifications and “SHD tech tactical boosts” to utilize to your advantage.

The Division is getting an overhaul of updates to weapons, general gear, talents, skills, crafting, survival, and many aspects of campaign and multiplayer gameplay with the Last Stand DLC. The list is long and chock full of data and one thing is for certain – the team is giving this third and final DLC all they’ve got and they’re going out with a bang. For more latest and most detailed information, check out the blog post here!

Don’t own The Division, but want to check it out for yourself? The free trial that launched today for Xbox One, PS4 and PC gives curious gamers an opportunity to experience 6 hours of the gameplay. That includes character customization, co-op, and exploration of the Dark Zone (multiplayer). If you end up purchasing the game, all information and progression will transfer over.

So, what do you think of the changes in comparison to the initial patch notes? Which part of the Last Stand DLC captures your interest the most? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below or begin your own conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Disqus channel! To stay up to date on the latest news in the gaming world, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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