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DFTG’s Top Horror Game Picks Just in Time for Halloween (Video)

Halloween is the perfect time for horror junkies to come out of hiding and wave their bloodied flag with pride! Though I myself am a total wuss when it comes to the horror genre, I do love a good terrifying movie or game. It just happens to be a hazard for anyone near me. I’m just not down with being startled. If people startle me, crotches get pummeled. When I saw Scream 2 in theatres, I went around punching dicks and ovaries left and right. It’s how I cope, don’t judge. So you can imagine how stupid it is when I attempt to play a horror game. Cops have the tendency to be called, freakish wails attempting to normalize into comprehensible screams do occur – it’s just a mess.

So why am I doing a compilation piece about horror games? Because I hate myself. Almost as much as I somehow love horror games, so there it is. Let’s get started, shall we?

Outlast – PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC 

Outlast is a survival horror game that puts the player into Miles Upshur’s, freelance journalist, shoes who thinks – for some ungodly reason – that it’s a fantastic idea to just waltz right into an abandoned psychiatric hospital buried deep within the mountains of Colorado. What a journalist wouldn’t do for a good story. It … is … terrifying. Meaning: you should definitely play it.

Condemned: Criminal Origins – Xbox 360, PC

Condemned: Criminal Origins is a psychological horror first-person that does things a little differently than other titles in its class. With a heavy focus on melee and puzzles, the gameplay for this title is much more than just rambunctious shooting. The player becomes one Ethan Thomas who is an FBI agent that is hunting down “Serial Killer X” in Metro for framing Thomas for murder. The gameplay is suspenseful and the story is rich – definitely a good title if you are looking for something a little different.

Silent Hill Homecoming – PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC

Going back home has never been so scary. In Silent Hill Homecoming, the story follows a Spec Ops man as he makes his way back home only to find that nothing was as he left it. The horrors of Silent Hill continue to test the limits of sanity and makes the player face brand new horrors in order to survive. Homecoming may not be considered the scariest of the Silent Hill series, but we do get to see the recurring figure Pyramid Head as well as experience a few new twists that only Silent Hill can bring.

Until Dawn – PS4 

This game has some incredible twists, an intriguing under-story, and some pretty powerful jump scares. It’s campy, it’s spooky, and it’s got layers upon layers of conspiracies to enjoy. This game also features traditional horror flick archetypes that give this the same appeal as watching a B-rated horror flick on Netflix. But trust me, it was a fantastic game – one that is heavily influenced by the choices you make – one wrong choice and you may have to watch one of your close friends die. You can have everyone survive or you could lose everyone – the choice is up to you – make good ones.

Alan Wake – Xbox One (Backwards Compatible), Xbox 360, PC

This action-adventure pyschological thriller is as intense as it is unique. The game puts the player into the shoes of an author who specializes in the thriller genre. This title explores the world between his own literary creation and in reality forcing him to fluctuate between what is and isn’t real in order to solve the mystery of his wife’s disappearance. With this game, his latest novel comes to live but here’s the kicker – he doesn’t remember writing it.

F.E.A.R – PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC 

A FPS (First Person Shoot) survival horror game that centers around a fictional Spec Ops Team – F.E.A.R (First Encounter Assault Recon) – as they uncover the supernatural mysteries aroudn what appears to be a singular little girl. This title is filled to the brim with jump scares and twists and is a fantastic game for those looking for the perfect blend of a good FPS and horror.

Resident Evil 4 – GameCube, PlayStation 2, 3, and 4, Xbox 360 and One, PC, and Wii 

Resident Evil 4 is easily my favourite of the series and remains one of the big reasons why I continue to fire up my PlayStation 2. The player assumes the role of Leon Kennedy, a special agent for the US Government, as he is sent out on a perilous mission to save the president’s daughter, Ashley Graham. Ashley was kidnapped by an evil cult and has Leon diving once more into a world full of horrors: monsters, zombies, and fanatics. Between the amazing storyline and a very touching character reunion, this game is definitely a must-play.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent – PC

Probably one of the scariest games I have ever played, hands down. Amnesia The Dark Descent is a first person game that flawlessly integrates puzzles and enviroment interaction in order to progress in the story-line. Not only does the player have to make their way through a terrifying atmosphere but the “sanity” of the character is on the line as well. Play the ‘wrong way’ and Daniel, the player, will find that his mental health can take a dramatically dangerous turn.

Rule of Rose – PlayStation 2 

Another huge title that will never let me part with my PlayStation 2. Rule of Rose is a survival horror game that centers around an orphan named Jennifer as she slowly recovers from forgotten memories as a childhood. This game is based entirely on her memories so the twists and revelations are flawlessly showcased to the player. After-all, memories can change – they can be altered. This title was extremely controversial upon release and the mystery of the title remains to this day of what really happened at Rose Garden Orphanage.

Those are just a few of my favourite horror titles! Didn’t see one of your favourites in my list? That’s ok! Sound off in the comments below and let’s talk spooky!

Liana Ruppert578 Posts

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Mass Effect, Liana has been an avid collector of gaming and comic memorabilia for well over two decades. With a passion for writing, gaming, and comics - she is currently working as Editor-in-Chief for the revival of Prima Games, with previous managing editor experience with several gaming publications including, The Hollywood Reporter, TwinGalaxies, and other outlets. She is also the Co-Owner and Managing Editor for DFTG. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, as well as several Facebook communities online.


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