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New Dead by Daylight Leak Reveals How Jigsaw Could Fit In The Game

Daylight Leak

It was teased recently that Saw series villain Jigsaw would become the next killer in the game Dead by Daylight. The survival horror title from Behaviour Interactive and Starbreeze Studios all-but-confirmed the twisted character’s appearance in the recent trailer, but not much else of substance was revealed. This left fans to wonder how Jigsaw would be implemented into the asymmetrical gameplay. A recent Dead by Daylight leak may have the answer, as it reveals several new details about the forthcoming killer.

In a Reddit post by user “Spudtatooooo”, Jigsaw’s killer power was supposedly revealed in cropped image. The listing called “Jigsaw’s Baptism” not only reveals that the hooded pig costume featured in the films will appear, but that the killer’s signature Reverse Bear Trap will playing a major role in snuffing out Survivors.

Daylight Leak

It also seems as though the role of Jigsaw won’t be held by the original John Kramer, or at least not by him alone. This is evidenced by the usage of “she” and “her” pronouns present in the leak, suggesting perhaps Kramer’s female protege Amanda could be carrying out Jigsaw murders, donning the guise of “The Pig” no less. The full Dead by Daylight leak can be read below.

Jigsaw’s Baptism


Forever devoted to her master’s cause, she punished the ungrateful and the guilty with slyness and murderous puzzles. The Pig can move stealthily, dash in ambush attacks and put deadly Reverse Bear Traps on Survivors’ heads.

Use the Secondary Power interaction to assume a crouching position. While crouching:

  • The Pig has no Terror Radius.
  • Activate the attack interaction to dash and perform an ambush attack.

Start the trial with 4 Reverse Bear Traps:

  • Activate the attack interaction to dash and perform an ambush attack.
  • Reverse Bear Traps are put on Dying Survivors.
  • Reverse Bear Traps automatically sacrifice the survivor when they trigger.
  • Reverse Bear Traps trigger automatically beyond the Exit Gates.
  • Reverse Bear Traps trigger once their timers expire.
  • Reverse Bear Traps timer start when a generator is completed.
  • Survivors can free themselves from Reverse Bear Traps by searching Jigsaw Boxes found around the map to find the correct key.

If this Dead by Daylight leak comes to be true, it’ll present a welcome change to the gameplay we’ve all grown accustomed to. The need for Survivors to remove Reverse Bear Traps is very much akin to the movies’ hands-off way delivering punishment, forcing victims to earn their own survival. Hunting for a life-saving key could also add an interesting team dynamic, with players either helping each other remove traps or choosing to go at it alone.

At the end of the day, this is all just speculation. Leaks pale in comparison to official information. While its assumed that fans would be giddy at the prospect of a gameplay shake-up, it’s entirely possible that it could go a more traditional route. Whatever the case, we can only hope that the developers are willing to go the extra mile and let Jigsaw be Jigsaw. Dead by Daylight is out now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

What do you think? Are you a fan of what Dead by Daylight could be doing with Jigsaw, or are you convinced that this kind of shake-up is too good to be true? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more horror news from recent weeks, check out these next few stories:

Eric Hall2712 Posts

Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.


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