A television series based on Marvel’s The Inhumans comic series is heading to IMAX and the ABC network later this year, but in the meantime, we’ve seen brief trailers and promotional…
Read MoreA television series based on Marvel’s The Inhumans comic series is heading to IMAX and the ABC network later this year, but in the meantime, we’ve seen brief trailers and promotional…
Read MoreAfter 24 years of memories and over 290 issues with the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, SEGA of America and Archie Comics have announced an end to their partnership and this…
Read MoreSpider-Man: Homecoming officially swung into theaters earlier this month and the web-headed adventure has enjoyed quite the successful two weeks. The spectacular film has definitely left fans wanting more and our…
Read MoreFamiliar favourites of Blizzard’s hit FPS Overwatch are back and joined by the newly released anti-hero in the latest comic to be released called ‘Doomfist Masquerade.’ Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra…
Read MoreAfter bringing the Guardians of the Galaxy-themed ride Mission: Breakout! to Disney’s California Adventure earlier this year, Marvel is now making plans to bring even more of their massive comic book…
Read MoreMany characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have already received their own solo movies, much to an incredible amount of success, but it’s been a long road for Marvel and…
Read MoreMarvel Studios has been making hit after hit over the years, this summer seeing the release of Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 and the webhead’s newest film Spider-Man: Homecoming….
Read MoreA new X-Men: Dark Phoenix photo from the set has emerged online, taking the internet by storm in showing off a brand new visor for Tye Sheridan’s Cyclops. The image…
Read MoreMarvel has been on a roll both in the comic-verse and on film. Key characters that have been more and more prevalent thanks to different medias such as TV shows…
Read MoreSan Diego Comic-Con 2017 is only a matter of days away and while the convention now caters to a variety of media enthusiasts, comics still have a large presence at…
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