BREAKING- Alien: Covenant Official Trailer (VIDEO)

Following a trail of mysterious images released from the set Ridley Scott’s newest film project and then a 15 second teaser that was released early on the morning of December 24th finally comes the awaited 2 and a half minutes of pure adrenaline fueled hype from latest installment of the famed sci-fi/horror franchise, the trailer for Alien: Covenant.
Fans have noticed images being released with nought but a line of digits for description. The internet has speculated that the numbers are indicative as to where on the timeline the new movie will take place. After the fifth image was released, we received official confirmation of a full trailer via a 15 second teaser with one word, “Tomorrow.” It looks like we won’t have to wait anymore and that’s excellent news because the suspense was killing us! That’s right, the trailer is here! Check it out for yourselves! (WARNING THIS TRAILER DOES CONTAIN GRAPHIC VIOLENCE AND GORE)
Holy freakin crap….. It looks as if Ridley Scott will be telling the next leg of this thrilling saga in a way reminiscent of the classic horror of Alien combined with the action packed adrenaline rush of the sequel Aliens. Let me tell you, as a fan of the Alien franchise, the hype is so real right now! In previously released information, it has been confirmed by Ridley Scott that there will be a total of three films linking the prequel film Prometheus to the original 1979 release of Alien and that these filler films are to include a more fleshed out origin of the Xenomorph aliens we see throughout the franchise. From what we can tell it looks like Alien: Covenant is going to dive straight into the origin. The ending of Prometheus left us all questioning, perhaps now we’ll at least get the start of an answer.
We’d love to hear what you think of the trailer and what your thoughts are on the direction of the new film. It looks like Ridley Scott has more than a fair chance to bring us another amazing story from the Alien saga and we are so excited! Stay tuned to DFTG and we’ll keep you up to date on your latest in entertainment and gaming news!
Luciano Cancilla106 Posts
Luciano has an undeniable passion for all things BioWare and has an enthusiastic perspective on the Gaming Industry. With a love for gaming, comics, and Geek Culture, you can always expect to have a good time nerding out.