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Blizzard Steps in to Save the Day When Player Loses Loot and Currency in Overwatch


A player of Blizzard Entertainment’s game Overwatch, who goes by the name Kaleptik, posted about an unfortunate problem he was having on Reddit. His in-game currency was at -42,000 and items he had unlocked, including the exclusive “Summer Games” items, had started to become locked again.

“During the Summer Games event, I had earned a lot of loot boxes. I bought 300 loot boxes as well. With all the loot boxes I earned and bought, I managed to unlock every single Summer Games item.

Pretty impressive to have unlocked every item from the event, but then the trouble began when the Summer Games ended and the Eichenwalde update happened. Kaleptik logged into Overwatch to find this waiting for him:


“I found it a little strange because I didn’t buy any more loot boxes but there were 100 loot boxes in my account. Not only did I have 100 loot boxes magically appear, I had my first issue with negative currency.”

As you can see, there are 100 loot boxes and his currency is at -1815. He goes on to say that he did not open the loot boxes and that his currency before this was at 5000. He didn’t play for a couple days afterwards, but once he did and earned a loot box, suddenly the 100 disappeared and his currency was now at -8,535.

“At this point, I’m not even opening loot boxes I’ve earned for fear that the currency I get from duplicate items will disappear.”

Unfortunately, it only gets worse. Kaleptik tries multiple times to get help from Bizzard’s support, but they swear there’s nothing they can do and that it’s a problem with Microsoft, but then Microsoft says that they have no control over non-Microsoft developed game servers. A very frustrated Kaleptik then finds more and more items disappearing and his debt rising.

“This is the point where items that I had bought/earned re-locked. Over half of the player icons from the event were locked and many skins and voice lines were locked… Not only that, but my In-Game currency had dipped to a whopping -42,535.”

At that point, I would’ve been pulling my hair out! Kaleptik finally gave up after being tossed back and forth by Blizzard and Microsoft and decided to just try to rebuild his game when suddenly, Blizzard stepped in to fix this once and for all! They found out that PayPal had silently issued a charge back, but then reversed it immediately. The Microsoft servers detected the charge back, but didn’t register that it was reversed immediately after because once it was reversed, there was no charge back to see anymore and therefore, no reversal to see. So, once they had determined what happened, he was awarded 100 regular loot boxes and 400 Summer Games loot boxes to make up for all the trouble.

“I’d like to thank Blizzard from the bottom of my wallet heart for fixing this issue after being frustrated for so long… /u/Araxom played a HUGE part in getting this resolved. He was in constant contact during the entire process… Lastly, Jesse from the Overwatch team deserves POTY for this. Once we reached a resolution, the solution was completed within 10 minutes!”

Them Blizzard employees are so awesome! Always looking out for the players! Did this story warm your heart? What would you have done if this happened to you? Tell us about it in the comment section below and please follow DFTG on Twitter for all your gaming news! Did you know that Overwatch’s Holiday event is less than a week away!? Read about it here!

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