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Watch Dogs 2 Myths Put to the Test in YouTube Video (VIDEO)

watch dogs 2 myths

Ubisoft’s open world action game, Watch Dogs 2, is the sequel to the original Watch Dogs game and is available to play on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. The sequel’s setting is in San Francisco, CA and you control Marcus Holloway, a hacker, as he tries to take down the city’s surveillance system with his team. Although Watch Dogs 2 received a lot of recognition for growing certain areas that were lacking in the original Watch Dogs video game, there were some things like inadequate frame rate capacity and character inconsistencies that players were not too happy about. Luckily, a patch has since fixed those problems.. Now one player who’s YouTube channel is called DefendTheHouse has compiled a list of Watch Dogs 2 myths to find some answers about things all fans of the series have wondered about at some point since the release of the game.

watch dogs 2 myths

Fans have whispered of certain Watch Dogs 2 myths like water saving you from fall damage when jumping off of tall buildings (True), if you kill a ScoutX character then you can’t complete the landmark (False), and much more! DefendTheHouse has done a lot of these game myth busting videos including an Overwatch one and Battlefield 1 also. Watch him as he confirms and debunks some of the most popular Watch Dogs 2 Myths in this short video below:

Did this video answer any of your burning questions that you had about the game? Were there any other Watch Dogs 2 myths that you wanted to see? Let us know in the comment section below and as always, stay tuned with Don’t Feed the Gamers for all your gaming news and don’t forget to check us out on twitter.

Did you hear that taking screenshots of characters genitals in Watch Dogs 2 can result in a ban for PSN players? If not check out our story and prepare to either laugh, cringe – or both!


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