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Latest Warframe Update Brings Ghoul Purges To PlayStation 4

Digital Extremes just released a new Warframe update for the PlayStation 4, which brings tons of new features including the addition of a Ghoul Purge in the form of new bounties. Loads of Ghoul variants have been added to title, giving fans tons of new foes to hunt down for a just reward. This isn’t the only feature that has been added to Warframe, other fixes and implementations have been addressed to improve the games overall performance and new enhancements to many of the aspects related to the players.

Check out all of the details on the latest Warframe update below via Digital Extreme:

4 New Bounties: Ghoul Purge!

Ghoul threats have arrived! These recurring bounties feature the Ghoul monstrosities. Help defend Cetus and destroy the Ghouls…. but their destruction may not be permanent! Expect the Ghouls to re-emerge regularly.

*Starting today, you can meet face to face with these ugly beasts NOW, visit Konzu to get started on the Purge! You can run the Bounties until February, 6th! 

Ghoul Purge will also introduce these new Grineer Ghoul Enemies and Variants:

Warframe Update

Known colloquially as the ‘drill sergeant’, the Augur is fast-grown into its enhancements. As with all Ghouls, no regard is given to the proper development of its higher functions. Cantilevered leg augments propel the unit toward the fray at speed, while over- and under-mounted extendable drill carriages magnify both reach and penetrating power.

Whether through aberrant cognition or sheer brutality one specimen always moves to the front of each pack. It is from this individual that the other units take their lead.

Vay Hek’s personal favorite, the Devourer is a maximal terror unit. Draped in shreds of the diapause bag that birthed it, this gap-mawed monstrosity barrels toward prey with furious intensity. Wrist-mounted hooks are welded to elbow joints and hyperpowered by a myotechnological winch system for maximum impact-and-pull.

The Expired are Ghouls who have succumbed to malnutrition or environmental poisoning during the early stages of development. Their backup nervous systems continue to drive them forward, however, making them ideal suicide troops.

Why this emaciated monstrosity chose to abandon its pack remains to be seen.

So named for its terrifying leer, the Rictus (AKA ‘the Sawman’) lives to divide and conquer its foes – literally.

This specimen shows evidence of advanced cognitive abilities and greater, if rudimentary, situational analysis. Cold blooded and ruthless, t is easy to see how this specimen led its pack so ably.

Dynamic Weather in the Plains of Eidolon!

The Plains of Eidolon now have changing weather patterns! This new dynamic weather system brings rain, lightning, rolling thunder, as well as fluctuating wind and cloud patterns. The Plains can shift from sunshine to rain (and vice versa) during the day and night, and rain will linger for a reasonable amount of time.

Jumping in puddles isn’t the only good thing about being out in the Plains during the rain! Take advantage of increased fish spawns and reduced visibility for the Grineer while it is raining.

A rain slider has also been added to the Plains of Eidolon Captura Scene. Adjust the slider from a light trickle to total downpour and capture your dramatic side!

Focus 2.5:

Since the launch of Focus 2.0 in Update 22: Plains of Eidolon, you have shared your thoughts and suggestions on where we could improve on Operator gameplay as a whole. Focus 2.5 is a reflection of what we’ve learned through your experiences and acts as a jumping-off point for future implementations that need more consideration before they reach you (daily cap removal for example).

First things first!

The following have been refunded so that you may redistribute as you please:

  • Focus points: Similar to the Focus 2.0, points invested into the 5 Focus Schools will be refunded back to their correlating School. For example, Zenurik Focus points will be refunded back into Zenurik for redistribution.
  • Brilliant Eidolon Shards: Shards invested in waybounds have been returned as items, while shards that have been turned into Focus points have been refunded as points.
  • Installed Lenses have not been affected, and will remain on your Warframes and weapons.
  • The cost of Focus as a whole is now roughly half of what it was before, thanks to the the millions of Focus points saved on pool capacity and node cost reductions!
  • Focus abilities have been tweaked to improve usability and to bring overall power levels of the five schools closer together.

More details on the latest Warframe update can be seen here, including: shared pool capacity, node costs, new Tenno weapons, and much more.

What do you think about all of the new features coming to the PlayStation 4 in this Warframe update? What else would you like to see in the game? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

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Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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