The Elder Scrolls Online Reveals Thieves Guild And Dark Brotherhood Event

Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Studios announces a brand new event for The Elder Scrolls Online revolving around the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. Some friendly competition on who can be the baddest of the bad never hurt anyone right? As a matter of fact, it should. During the brand new TESO event, it pays to be the bad guy.
From March 7th to March 18th, players can earn a variety of bonuses for completing objectives. From conquering world bosses, completing heists, and sacraments, there’s a ton to do in order to earn increased reward and resources. In addition to that, players can “become a master thief or assassin.” Throughout the entirety of the Elder Scrolls Online event, players can purchase the Dark Brotherhood Collector’s Bundle and the Thieves Guild Collector’s Bundle for 2,000 crowns each.
There are a bunch of other themed items to nab in the Crown Store as well. For all the details on the event itself and the earnings you can get, check it out below:
Crime Pays
The Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event starts Thursday, March 7, at 10:00AM EST and runs until Monday, March 18, at 10:00AM EDT. During this period, you can earn the following bonus rewards for certain criminal activities in both Hew’s Bane and the Gold Coast:
- Double reward drops for defeating World Bosses
- Double reward drops for defeating Delve bosses
- Double Defiled Whiskers drops from Maw of Lorkhaj bosses
- Increased rewards for completing Heists
- Increased rewards for completing Sacraments
- Double harvesting resources from regular crafting nodes (not nodes from Survey Reports)
Steal Your Event Tickets
As you participate in the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration, you’ll also earn Event Tickets for the following activities:
- One Event Ticket for the first Sacrament completed each day
- Sacraments are unlocked by reaching Dark Brotherhood Rank 2 and completing the quest “A Lesson in Silence”
- One Event Ticket for the first Heist completed each day
- Heists are unlocked by reaching Thieves Guild Rank 3 and completing the quest “The Long Game”
You can earn a total of two Event Tickets per day per account, with a possible total of 24 by the end. Throughout the event, you can buy Indrik Feathers, Dawnwood Berries of Bloom (introduced with January’s Midyear Mayhem), Dawnwood Berries of Budding (introduced with the Morrowind Celebration), and new Dawnwood Berries of Growth from the Impresario merchant. When spending Event Tickets, please double-check the name of the berries you’re about to purchase. You need only one of each to evolve your Indrik.
What do you think about the latest The Elder Scrolls Online event? Do you think Bethesda and ZeniMax should do things like this more often? Which side reigns supreme – the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves Guild? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming and entertainment news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:
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The Elder Scrolls Online is available now PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.