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The Division 2 Brand Sets, Customization Details Revealed (VIDEO)

The Division 2

Ever since The Division 2 was confirmed earlier this year, fans of the series have begun to wonder what Ubisoft plans on doing differently in order to avoid the same pitfalls as the original. Ubisoft already won some people over with the reveal that the game will contain Raids, with many coming in the first year after launch. Now, some new details have surfaced regarding the game’s customization options, and how things will be different this time around.

Revealed in the YouTube video above, The Division 2 will feature the inclusion of Brand Sets for player gear. Many gear pieces found within the game – gloves, backpack, holster, etc –  will all be labeled with a certain brand. Each gear piece with a specific brand will be part of a Brand Set, and the more pieces of the same set players have equipped, the greater the rewards will be.

Brand Sets are not unlike gear sets from the original game, though in this case players won’t have to wait until end-game to start obtaining set pieces and customizing their loadouts. Another important difference is that players will have six gear slots to play with, which means you needn’t be satisfied for getting the maximum bonuses for one Brand Set and calling it a day. Players can go for two pieces from three different brands, three pieces from two different brands, or any other variation imaginable to eke out as much customization as they want from the system. Here is the list of the known Brand Sets announced so far:

The Division 2 – Brand Sets

Overlord Armaments

  • +7.5% Armor Percent Bonus
  • +5.0% Weapon Damage
  • +10.0% Damage to Elites

Petrov Defense Group

  • +8.0% LMG Damage
  • +10.0% Turret Skill Power
  • +10.0% Skill Haste

Providence Defense

  • +4.0% Weapon Damage
  • +10.0% Skill Power
  • Talent: Well Rounded – Critical hit chance bonus for 6 seconds when completing a cover to cover move.

Sokolov Concern

  • +10.0% SMG Damage
  • +8.0% Critical Hit Damage
  • +10.0% Critical Hit Chance

Wyvern Wear

  • +7.0% Critical Hit Damage
  • +5.0% Headshot Damage
  • +10.0% Critical Hit Chance

China Light Industries

  • +8.0% Shotgun Damage
  • +10.0% All Resistance
  • +10.0% Skill Haste

Richter & Kaiser

  • +20.0% Pistol Damage
  • +15.0% Shield Power
  • +10.0% All Resistance

Airaldi Holdings

  • +5.0% MMR Damage
  • +10.0% Headshot Damage
  • +10.0% Accuracy

These are all the known Brand Sets so far, though there will likely be more to come in the future. The Division 2 arrives on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on March 15th, 2019.

So, thoughts on The Division 2 Brand Sets? Which one appeals to you the most so far? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!

Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts

Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.


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