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Sunset Overdrive Now Owned By Sony, Confirms SIE President

Sunset Overdrive Now Owned By Sony, Confirms SIE President

As the first game for the studio on an Xbox platform, Insomniac’s Sunset Overdrive surprised a lot of folks, with the title garnering fan and critical acclaim. While many early Xbox One games like Ryse or Battlefield 4 focused on having the most realistic looking visuals possible, Sunset Overdrive’s aesthetic featured a bright and vivid punk rock post-apocalypse. The gameplay was just as exceptional, playing off a hodgepodge of ideas from Ratchet & Clank and Tony Hawk. The game truly felt like a one of a kind experience, though now many have begun to wonder about the fate of a potential sequel.

Last year, Insomniac Games released the massively successful Marvel’s Spider-Man exclusively on PlayStation 4. The game went on to sell a massive 13.2 Million copies worldwide (source), making it easily the most successful game in Insomniac’s history, which was a likely factor in the studio eventually being purchased by Sony. So what can we expect from Insomniac in regards to Sunset Overdrive? Well, everything sounds a little up in the air at this point.

In a recent interview for Inside Games Japan, Sony Worldwide Studios President Shu Yoshida said that Sunset Overdrive is indeed owned by Sony, stating that “SIE holds the rights to past Insomniac Games works.” When asked about a port of the original game to Sony platforms, Yoshida said, “I am looking forward to future titles.” Shu may have been referring to future titles from Insomniac as a studio, and perhaps his phrasing indicates he is focused on new games from the studio rather than porting older games. You can be sure if any news on Sunset Overdrive 2 comes out, we’ll be the first to share it with you!

Would you be interested in playing a Sunset Overdrive sequel? What innovations to the gameplay would you want to see most? Let us know in the comments below! Be sure to also follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, and check out all the latest news from Don’t Feed The Gamers:


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