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Red Dead Redemption 2: How to Unlock Fast Travel

Red Dead Redemption 2

Players have been enjoying their time in the old West in Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2 since its release last month. With an expansive open world filled to the brim with beautiful landscapes, a plethora of interactions, and much more, the latest entry in the franchise sure has quite a bit to offer.

That said, if players are looking to cut down on time, Fast Travel is always an option. It’s not available from the get-go, but here’s how you can unlock the feature. After completing the introductory mission, find the mission called ‘Money Lending and Other Sins’ at the Horseshoe Overlook camp. Completing this is not only important in regards to Fast Travel, but also the mechanics in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Upon the completion of ‘Money Lending and Other Sins,’ players will have to find the ledger back at camp. It’s next to the money box behind Dutch’s tent, and it is where one can see the camp upgrades. Make the upgrades to Dutch’s tent, after which you’ll be able to also upgrade Arthur’s wagon and buy a map. Purchasing the map will unlock Fast Travel. Mind you, doing all of this will cost around 545 in-game dollars, so be sure to grab all the money you can.

Of course, Fast Travel isn’t the only means of transportation in Red Dead Redemption 2, just the quickest. Ride a horse, walk, buy a train ticket, or hop in a stage coach if you’re looking to take in some scenery during travel. Either way, there are plenty of options to get around in the title.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We hope to see a port to PC at some point, but only time will tell. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Have you been enjoying your time in Red Dead Redemption 2 so far? Are you a Fast Travel type of person, or do you like taking the scenic route? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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