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Rainbow Six Siege – Explosive 5.2 Update

Ubisoft has released a free update to the critically acclaimed tactical shooter, Rainbow Six Siege. The amount of content included in the update is impressive, to say the least, but there are a few key portions that will fundamentally change and add to the already heavily lauded game.

First and foremost, Ubisoft wanted to beef up Tachanka, one of the weaker characters, and bring him up to speed with some of the other operators in the game. Tachanka is based on placing a mounted machine gun to be employed against your foes.

Tachanka has been the weakest Operator, even if he has become one of the most loved. This has most clearly been reflected in his pick rate, which is the lowest in the game.
When looking at Tachanka, the biggest downside lies in the gadget. The tradeoff between his turret’s stopping power and his lack of mobility isn’t good enough. Attackers have several ways to deny him with the element of surprise, and can easily headshot him once they know his position.
In order to introduce a counter to this weakness, we’ve added a shield in front of the turret which protects him from frontal headshots.

Rainbow Six Siege will also be getting a new map in in the update titled Bartlet University. The map has been playable in non-PVP scenarios but is now being added with some general redesign focused on active combat.

rainbow six siege formation

There is also a great deal of numerical changes being made to various characters weaponry and ability charges. Full patch notes are quite the read, but If you’re interested in a full list so that you can get your min-max on, you can find it at the Rainbow Six Siege website.

How do you feel about the new Rainbow Six Siege rebalance? Are you stoked to see Tachanka get a buff, or do you think that there are other operators that deserved it more? Let us know how you feel in the comments and stick around at DFTG for news for the latest updates on your favorite games!

Joshua Hogg73 Posts

Depending on who you ask, Josh's obsession with video games may or may not be entirely healthy. Frequently bankrupting himself to get the next fix, he indiscriminately jumps from game to game, perhaps searching for that perfect title that will leave him eternally satisfied.


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