Nintendo Unveils New Trailer for Fire Emblem Warriors at E3 Presentation (VIDEO)

Nintendo’s E3 presentation showed off a brand new trailer for the latest in the series Fire Emblem Warriors. The Koei Tecmo Warriors-style action title is a little different than previous games in that there won’t be the normal turn-based strategy battles. This also marks the second time a Nintendo IP has received the Koei Tecmo treatment, the first being Hyrule Warriors.
In the trailer, fans can see some past greats from previous titles in the series who have returned for this new game including Chrom, Marth, female Corrin, Xander, and Ryoma. The bulk of the game’s roster was confirmed as characters from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates, as well as original characters created for the game. The group will be battling an evil dragon who is bringing “chaos and destruction to the land”. Check out the Fire Emblem Warriors trailer below:
Although the majority of fighters seen are swordsmen, magic wielding characters will also be playable in Fire Emblem Warriors. This title is set for release in the Fall of this year on Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch. No other information was provided, but there is sure to be more news on this title very soon.
What did you think of the trailer for Fire Emblem Warriors? Are you a fan of the series? Let us know in the comment section below, and if you want to stay updated on this story and any other news coming out of E3 2017, then you had better follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for all the hottest news 24/7. Missed the goodies from E3 week so far? Catch up with these other awesome articles below:
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