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New Hearthstone Expansion Will Take You on a “Journey To Un’Goro” (VIDEO)


A new expansion for the popular strategy card game Hearthstone has been recently announced by Blizzard. Journey to Un’Goro is planned to launch in “early April” and will be the first new pack of 2017, marking the beginning of the “Year of the Mammoth”. The flannel-clad announcement was made in a video uploaded to the official Hearthstone YouTube channel earlier this week. You can see said video below:

The expansion sees the expected release of many new cards, 135 in total. The video announcement shows off a few cards of interest from the upcoming deck, first of which is the Volcano spell, a five-mana Shaman card that deals 15 damage across all minions on the board. This would come in handy if one finds themself outnumbered and need to cause maximum damage to an opponent. Also shown off was the Mage’s Pyros, a two-mana elemental minion that repeatedly returns the user’s deck upon death, getting more powerful and mana-costly each time it’s used.

If this announcement has an overarching theme, it’s the word “Elemental.” Blizzard has teased that Un’Goro will introduce a new Elemental minion type, even going as far as changing a few established “familiar faces” to fill out the new group. Those not endowed with elemental power can do so with the new Adapt card, which grants any affected minion 3 of a total of 10 buffs, a few of which include:

  • +3 Attack
  • Can’t be targeted by spells or Hero powers
  • Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Plants
  • Divine Shield
  • Taunt
  • Windfury

A second new card being introduced in the expansion is the Quest type. These one-mana Legendary cards have the potential to become the most powerful card on the board. A Quest-type card gives players a set objective, that when fulfilled, compensates them with “incredible rewards.” For example, the Awaken the Makers quest tasks players with dealing seven Deathrattle cards. This action results in obtaining Amara, Warden of Hope, an 8/8 card with the ability to set a hero’s health up to 40.


“Ready to join Elise Starseeker and her junior explorers on an expedition into the uncharted territory of Un’Goro crater?,” asks the expansion’s official synopsis on Hearthstone’s blog. “Your descent into these wild lands will be a thrilling adventure—you’ll make wondrous discoveries as you become one of the first to unearth mysteries long forgotten under the thick jungle mists. Un’Goro’s prehistoric inhabitants may not take kindly to your curiosity, but you never know who might appear to offer assistance in your time of need.”

Preorders are now live for Journey To Un’Goro, giving buyers a pack of 50 cards for $49.99. The expansion is set to go live sometime in April for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.


Are you looking forward to checking out what else Un’Goro has to offer? Let us know in the comments and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for more up-to-date coverage on elemental dinosaurs. Also, check out our Disqus channel to chat with like-minded folks about video games. You can read more news regarding card-based gaming in these links below:

Eric Hall2712 Posts

Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.


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