Rumor: The Witcher TV Series Casting White Actress For Young Ciri

Earlier this week saw a wanted listing for a young actress between the ages of 15 to 18 to fulfill a role of young Ciri in The Witcher TV series by Netflix with one of the more surprising details that sought a BAME individual. In other words, someone who is not White and unfortunately, that didn’t sit well with too many folks. Following the uproar that resulted in the public casting details for young Ciri, rumor has it that a White actress will be chosen instead.
Based on a public discussion on Reddit, anonymous sources indicate that the casting for characters such as Ciri in The Witcher are in search of actors of Polish heritage. As for our white-haired badass, it looks like the creative team is in search of a “Caucasian/White Polish” individual to take on the role. According to the original poster, Scientiam, there’s little reason to believe the information provided is untrue. Here’s what they claimed:
After careful examination, as well as verifying the sources, I believe it to be legitimate. I have shared the information and discussed it over with the rest of the moderators, and we all unanimously find it credible. Of course the possibility remains that the information may be fraudulent or unintentionally misleading, as well as subject to change. At this time, there is nothing to suggest this.
The individual who gave us this info has agreed to have it shared on the subreddit, so that our community is aware of this and can freely discuss it in this thread. Some information we’ve used to verify these claims has been withheld, to protect identities.”
The backlash was so great that writer Lauren S. Hissrich decided to leave on a “Twitter hiatus.” Though her explanation was thoughtful and pointed to getting back on track for the show, Hissrich asked the community to “be nice to each other” and furthermore promising details on the trusty Roach. For the time being, Hissrich is hard at work on the finale.
What do you think about all this drama and uproar based on an advertising listed by an agency ? Do you think it would have done Ciri justice if they cast a non-White actress for The Witcher? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on DFTG Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here’s some of our latest:
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The Witcher TV series is expected to arrive on Netflix sometime in 2019. An exact date has not been specified.
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.