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Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) Update 19 is Now Live (VIDEO)

For years, MMO titles have been a great choice for players when it comes to delivering an immersive and longstanding gameplay experience. For instance: World of Warcraft and Smite are both popular titles for gamers looking for an RPG experience with grit, stunning artwork, and incredible story lines. But if you’re looking for something a little different, there is another MMO game available that can fill the need for compelling story development: Lord of the Rings Online– or LOTRO.


Entirely free to play, LOTRO has been running in the background of the more popular games since 2007 and Turbine, the game’s developer, has been cashing in on its selective popularity with growing enthusiasm. In the game, fans of Tolkien’s low fantasy realm have the chance to explore the landscapes of Middle Earth as they battle foes to stop Sauron’s plans for destruction. With the game’s latest update, players have even more opportunity to expand their game as they head north to Mordor to stop the forces of evil in their tracks.


Update 19 released last month, and included some changes to the game’s storyline. Aside from the usual weapons and armor updates, players will take the road towards Mordor to uncover over 90 new quests to complete. With the update, players will also have the chance to explore North Ithilien, an additional portion of the story line that allows you to defend the Free People while Aragorn takes his men to Dagorlad in the fight against Sauron’s minions.

March north! Escort Aragorn and the Host of the West into North Ithilien beneath the ever-watchful Eye of Sauron. Seek out the hidden Ranger encampment of Henneth Annûn as you and your allies prepare for the coming battle. Experience exciting adventures in dangerous new locations as you march toward the Black Land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.

Additionally, Update 19 offers up the inclusion of the Flora Barter system and updated Premium Housing for your weary fighter to reside in when you’re not playing. The Flora Barter system offers you a chance to hone your gathering skills and earn extra gold as you collect the local plant life to sell to healers. This is essential, because according to the game’s story, the local healers are in desperate need of supplies after the brutal Battle of Pelennor Fields. Finally, Premium Housing will now include add-ons to your home, including vistas and social spaces to meet up with online friends as you play.

Turbine has also announced that LOTRO will feature a future update where you travel directly into Mordor to battle the forces of evil on their home turf. Expect this update to come on the game’s ten year anniversary in April, 2017. For more information, check out the video below for developer comments on the current Update 19 changes and the upcoming Mordor Expansion:

This update is looking to be a stellar addition to an already precious (pun intended) gameplay experience. Let us know: Are you fans of Lord of the Rings? How many of you have played LOTRO for yourselves? What do you think of the latest updates and additions to this long-running title? Shout out in the comments below, and game on!



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