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‘Inside Xbox’ Video Recap Discusses What Lies Ahead, Including New Features (VIDEO)

Inside Xbox

A new segment by Microsoft has officially launched called ‘Inside Xbox’ which delivers news to fans about the happenings within the Microsoft-verse. Additionally, the team also provided details about different titles that have some important news on the horizon. This series will release a new episode monthly, which Microsoft has been working to develop and put into production for quite some time.

To kick off the season premier, the team decided to give some exciting news about Far Cry 5 and Sea of Thieves. They also dove right in about what’s new with the Xbox Game Pass, as well as some new features the team will be delivering here shortly. Check out the debut episode below:

Here’s a breakdown of new features discussed in the video above:

  • Antal Tungler from AMD announced that Xbox One S and Xbox One X will support variable refresh rate on AMD Radeon FreeSync displays. Freesync technology helps get rid of tearing and stuttering while gaming, enabling the display and Xbox One to work together to create a smooth and seamless gaming experience. Freesync allows for a supported TV or monitor to synchronize its refresh rate with your console.
  • ‘Share to Twitter’ will allow you to share clips and screenshots that will be viewable in-line, directly on your Twitter feed. This new feature will also automatically place that screenshot or video into your Twitter media library, as well as suggest hashtags, such as the game title.
  • Xbox One will also begin supporting Auto Low Latency Mode on supported TVs later in 2018, including select models from Samsung. Auto Low Latency Mode will recognize when a game is being played and automatically switch your TV to a low-latency mode. This will enable you to continue using some of your TVs video processing options while you’re watching a movie or Mixer stream, but be comfortable that any post-processing will automatically be turned off when you switch back over to a game.
  • The Microsoft Edge browser is also getting an update on Xbox One. The browser now looks and feels more like Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. You can also download and upload files, including pictures and videos, directly to your Xbox One or attached storage device. For example, if you find a great picture online that you’d like to use as your Xbox One background, you can download the image with Microsoft Edge and set it as your custom background.
  • Share Controller on Mixer was announced. Mixer streamers on Xbox One will be able to share their controller directly with viewers on Once shared, a viewer on their PC can help control the experience with either an on-screen virtual controller or with a physical controller connected to the PC. This is available now for testing on the Xbox Insider Alpha ring.

As far as Xbox Game Pass news goes, “The team also revealed that Xbox Game Pass will bringing eight new games into the fold in April, including the critically acclaimed Cities: Skylines. This city-creation simulation puts the fate of your own dream metropolis in your hands, letting you manage the cities infrastructure, various districts, utilities, healthcare, emergency responders and much more. This is first of eight Xbox Game Pass reveals for April, so stay tuned to Xbox Wire for more info as it becomes available.”

What do you think of all the news seen from the Inside Xbox recap? What else were you hoping to hear about? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

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Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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