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Heavy Rain And Detroit: Become Human Coming To PC

Heavy Rain Epic Games Store

In what may have been a shocking move by anyone involved in the situation, it has been announced that Quantic Dream titles that were once PlayStation exclusives will be appearing on another platform for the first time ever. During Epic Games’ GDC keynote, it was revealed that Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human, and Beyond: Two Souls will all be leaving exclusivity in the past and finding a new home on PC later this year.

For those who don’t know, Heavy Rain, Detroit, and Beyond are available on the PlayStation 4, and have only ever been playable on Sony’s gaming console. However, with this move, it will be interesting to see what other developers do with console exclusive games, and vice versa.

Heavy Rain originally arrived in 2010 on the PlayStation 3, and was received quite well for it’s interesting choice-based narrative. Beyond: Two Souls followed in 2013, and while it did not receive the same warm welcome as Heavy Rain, it still found its audience. Quantic then released Detroit: Become Human on PlayStation 4 in 2018, and fans have been enjoying the adventures of the three androids who the game revolves around ever since.

It’s unknown when exactly these titles will make their way to PC, but when they do, the titles will be exclusive to the Epic Games Store. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Are you excited to play these once-exclusive titles on PC? Does anyone else love Heavy Rain as much as I do? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!


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