Gears 5 ‘All Hallows Eve’ Halloween Event Revealed

Gears 5 is already a spooky game, with monstrous beings attempting to claw your eyes out at every turn. But things are about to get even spookier because Halloween has descended upon Sera! Gears 4 brought back the Halloween events in a big way that included loot like Flaming guns, and Gears 5 is bringing even more Hallowed goodness with its own Halloween event which is now live!
A blog post on the official Gears of War website details the “All Hallows Eve” special event. First off is the return of Pumpkin Ball. Pumpkin Ball is a returning game mode from Gears 4 that is a variant of the base game’s Dodgeball mode. This mode typically has 5 players on each side fighting it out, with players getting revived if they score a kill and survive for 5 seconds. In Pumpkin Ball however players will only be able to kill enemies if they score a headshot, or blow them up, and players are revived instantly instead of having a delay.
Gears fans will also have the opportunity to gain new skeletal themed skins, participate in a Terminator-centric Horde Mode, and try out the new “The Labyrinth” Escape Hive. The Halloween event is live right now and will be available to all Gears 5 players until early November. Be sure to check it out before it’s over! Gears 5 is available now on PC and Xbox One, and it is currently available to all Xbox Game Pass subscribers as well.
Are you going to play the Gears 5 Halloween event? What other holiday events are you hoping to see in Gears 5? Let us know in the comments below! Be sure to also follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, and check out all the latest news from Don’t Feed The Gamers:
Colin Regan239 Posts
Colin is a freelance writer for DFTG with previous bylines at other media outlets such as Twinfinite.