Fallout 4: Project Valkyrie Mod Adds New Voiced Companions, Endings, And More (VIDEO)

Did you feel like Fallout 4‘s story wrapped up in an unsatisfying way? Were you annoyed that you were given ultimatums from each faction that prevented you from brokering peace between two or more of them while taking out the one you didn’t like? Well, Fallout 4: Project Valkyrie just might be the mod for you. This mod promises much more satisfying resolutions by way of alternate endings. Additionally, the mod adds new voiced companions and loads of new quests. Check out the trailer for the mod below:
Creator Thuggysmurf gives a brief rundown of what to expect on the mod’s Nexus page:
- New dungeons, bunkers, and player bases, with the option for a completely overhauled Institute.
- As Director of the Institute, you can actually direct the place: free the synths, kick out the bad guys, do new types of missions, give the building a new look, add vendors, and open the place up for trading with the Commonwealth.
- Challenge Elder Maxson for control of the Brotherhood of Steel and take Liberty Prime along as a follower to spread murder and democracy throughout the Commonwealth.
- Convince Desdemona to chill out. You’re the Director of the Institute now. You can free the synths. No need to turn Cambridge into a crater.
- Use persuasion instead of violence to resolve disputes between factions (or vice versa), choosing who lives and who dies.
- A hopefully more engaging approach to the fate of Sarah Lyons and the other BoS main characters from Fallout 3 instead of a single, unsubstantiated terminal entry that she “fell in battle”, with no further explanation.
- Four custom and fully-voiced companions to choose from, plus four vanilla-based companions (details below). You meet each companion in the course of the adventure as you progress through the mod’s main quest line.
Fallout 4: Project Valkyrie will require players to have the Outcasts and Remnants Quest Mod installed, which isn’t too demanding and requires about 800 MB of free space.
So, thoughts on the Fallout 4 mod? Plan on trying it out? Let us know in the comments section below, and be sure to follow us on Twitter for any new stories on great Fallout mods!
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Colin Regan239 Posts
Colin is a freelance writer for DFTG with previous bylines at other media outlets such as Twinfinite.