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Vampyr Reveals Trophy And Achievements List As Game Prepares For Release

Dontnod Entertainment’s latest entry in the video game industry has officially gone gold, which means Vampyr is essentially finished and ready to be shipped out for gamers to enjoy. So what other way to commemorate that occasion than with a social media post on Twitter? Complete with stakes, black rosary beads, and a good look at the title’s protagonist – it’s a gentle reminder of their release date right around the corner.

This semi-open world, RPG is a narrative-driven journey of moral strife and vampires in early 20th century London, England. Players will assume the role of Dr. Jonathan Reid, a “newly turned Vampyr” who must still fulfill his duty in helping the citizens of London by finding a cure for the flu. However, Vampyrs have a thirst they must quench and it means feeding on those “you vowed to heal”. The world is a perilous one, one filled with Vampyr hunters, undead enemies, and supernatural creatures.

To fend them off, Reid must use his newfound supernatural skills to save himself and find a way to save those around him. Travel through different districts of London in this semi-open world experience, gather information, defeat enemies, and either save the city or let it fall. Of course, as the game goes gold, there’s a list of trophies to achieve. BEWARE – the list below may contain spoilers, so move forward with caution! Without further ado, here are all the achievements you can get:

Vampyr Trophy List

  • Time is on my side (Platinum)
    Earn all trophies
  • From here to eternity (Bronze)
    Go to the Shelter and rest
  • At dawn we row (Bronze)
    Take a ride with Doctor Swansea
  • Just take a bite (Bronze)
    Embrace Clay during your first meeting with him
  • Merciful release (Silver)
    Let Clay live during your first meeting with him
  • Pest control (Bronze)
    Eat 10 rats
  • Unlife is strange (Silver)
    Save this poor plant with water
  • The tools of the profession (Silver)
    Find all melee weapons
  • Keep your distance (Silver)
    Find all ranged weapons
  • Weapons of choice (Silver)
    Find all off-hand weapons
  • Bloody roots (Gold)
    Find the recollection of Paulus Aurelianus
  • Lore keeper (Silver)
    Gather all collectibles
  • Hippocratic oath (Silver)
    Heal 10 citizens
  • That’s better (Bronze)
    Upgrade a weapon with a module
  • Work in progress (Bronze)
    Upgrade a weapon
  • Solid metal gear (Silver)
    Upgrade a weapon to level 5
  • Interview with the vampire (Silver)
    Take care of Dorothy’s fate
  • Sacrificial lamb (Silver)
    Take care of Sean’s fate
  • Prepare to die (Silver)
    Take care of Aloysius’s fate
  • The Dying Swansea (Silver)
    Take care of Swansea’s fate
  • Anarchy in the UK (Silver)
    Turn a district to hostile status
  • A taste for blood (Silver)
    Complete the game
  • Not even once (Gold)
    Finish the game without killing any citizens
  • Defeat the beast (Silver)
    Defeat Fergal
  • Hail Mary (Gold)
    Defeat Mary
  • Death on stage (Silver)
    Defeat Doris
  • Bury the hatchet (Silver)
    Defeat McCullum
  • Unnatural Disaster (Gold)
    Defeat The Disaster
  • London’s burning (Gold)
    Turn all districts to hostile status

Vampyr is scheduled for release on June 5th, 2018 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Are you excited to see the debut of Dontnod’s latest video game title? Which feature do you look forward to the most – the soundtrack, the difficult decisions, the macabre aesthetics? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on DFTG Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here’s some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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