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Learn More About the Hard Drinkin’ Detective Pikachu With This Hilarious Video

When the Detective Pikachu live-action movie was first announced, many were left with one important question: “why?” Understandable, because … I mean, there’s an alcohol loving talking Pikachu and he’s NOT voiced by Danny DeVito – What kind of mad world is this!?

This drink lovin’ little guy is a gem to the world, more so when he becomes a needed friend to Tim after losing his father. Plus, there is a giant amiibo, so that’s always cool. Luckily for those that want to learn more prior to the film’s release, the team over at Lore in a Minute are here to help. And just in case you can’t watch the hilarious video below, feel free to check out the official transcript a little further down:

“Twenty years ago, the laboratory known as the PCL was founded in Ryme City to study and care for Pokemon, but over time, bizarre Pokemon attacks in the city made reporters at the GNN network suspicious. It was around this time that loving father Harry Goodman was involved in a mysterious car crash. Though his Pikachu companion survived the accident, Harry disappeared without a trace.

Two months after the accident, Harry’s son Tim has arrived in Ryme City looking for answers. Instead, he’ll discover a gruff Pikachu in a deerstalker hat with a weakness for coffee, clues and the ladies. But Tim’s new partnership will be a bolt of brilliance when he discovers he can understand this new Detective Pikachu. Unfortunately, his hind-leg stance has slowed his speedy nature and his thunderbolt is a thunder-dud.

While Tim coordinates with the humans of the Baker Detective Agency, Detective Pikachu will chat up the local Pokemon. Together, they’ll run left or right through the city streets, Harry’s old apartment and the shady labs at the PCL to discover Tim’s father’s fate and the dark secret plaguing Ryme City. Thankfully, Tim’s partner’s not just a detective, he’s a great detective… and a giant amiibo! And also Ryan Reynolds.”

But hey, at least we have that giant amiibo! We love the crew over at Lore and they have given us some great videos in the past! We’ve covered more than a few of them ourselves here at Don’t Feed the Gamers, so don’t be when checkin’ out their channel and show them some love. You can also follow us over on Twitter for even more Pokemon shenanigans!

Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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