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Dead By Daylight Newest Chapter Revealed, New Clown Killer

The team behind the popular Dead by Daylight survival horror title has just revealed the newest chapter for their terrifying title, including how they are celebrating their two year anniversary! There’s plenty of new content to go around, and the developers can’t wait for fans to dive right in with “Curtain Call.”

Behavior Digital tells us, “In the new chapter named Curtain Call, players will be introduced to The Clown and Kate Denson. This new addition will take place in Campbell’s Chapel.
Players will also discover a new in-game store to purchase long-awaited cosmetic items as well as some of the game characters. The team has worked hard to completely overhaul the economy: Iridescent Shards will be gained with playtime through a new player level system while Auric Cells will be available for purchase.”

“We can’t believe it’s already been two years. What’s even more incredible is that this was just the beginning. We are committed to making Dead by Daylight bigger and more fun (or terrifying) in the long run. In March, we introduced our new roadmap. We will continue developing new chapters, features and perks for as long as players demand it and will now introduce mid-chapter patches to ensure balancing and proper bug fixing” said Mathieu Côté, Game Director.

As for celebrating two terrifying years, the team also revealed The Clown as the Killer, and Kate Denson as the newest Survivor. Both the newest chapter and the new Survivor/Killer are available today on the Public Test Build, and will be available on the base game soon!

As far as the main patch notes go:


• Content – Added new main menu music to tie in with the DLC Chapter
• Content – Added new sounds when Emblems appear in the Tally Screen based on their quality
• Content – Added new idle animations for Killers in the offline lobby & store sections
• Content – Added a new head customization item for Dwight for players who own the Dead By Daylight: Leatherface™ DLC
• Feature – Re-designed all confirmation prompts
• Feature – Updated the main menu and player loadout button layouts to accommodate for the newly added Store and Tutorials.
• Feature – Added an in-game Store to purchase characters and cosmetics. The store now also hosts the Shrine of Secrets.
• Feature – Added the Player Level functionality. This is an account based progression that rewards the player with Iridescent Shards upon leveling up.
• Feature – Added Tutorial levels to explain Survivor & Killer gameplay
• Content – Integrated Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean community localization


• All characters now start with their 3 personal perks unlocked by default (at level 1)
• Adjusted the level requirements for unlocking perk slots. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th perk slots now unlock at levels 5/10/15 respectively (down from 15/20/25)
• Changed hook auras to always be visible from the Killer’s standpoint while carrying a survivor. Prior to this change, hook auras would only be displayed if the hook was hidden behind another object.
• Decreased the range of activation for the Killer pick up interaction
• Decreased the Wraith flashlight uncloak stun time from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
• Removed the possibility of spawning the Doctor or the Hag splinters in the Bloodweb because these characters can now be purchased for Iridescent Shards.


• Added a few totem spawn points in the buildings of Macmillan Estate
• Pallet loops in the maps of Macmillan Estate, Autohaven Wreckers and Coldwind Farm themes have been tweaked in order to increase their fun factor
• Changed the number of hooks for each map to be based on its number of tiles (Total Tile Count / 3)
• Improved totem placement in various maps
• Removed a pallet from the Badham Preschool building tile
• Adjusted Torment Creek and Rancid Abattoir map layouts to create more distance between the maze tiles
• Relaxed the default Survivor-on-Survivor spawning rules in order to minimize the occurrence of killers spawning close to survivors.


The shards economy has been reworked completely:
• Shards are now obtained by leveling up your Player Level
• The maximum cap for the Shards has been removed
• Shrine of Secrets teachable perk costs have been increased to 2700/2000 (previously at 750/550). Note that the Shrine of Secrets will remain empty until this update is released on all platforms.
• Shrine can now be used to purchase certain characters and cosmetics from the Store, in addition to purchasing teachable perks from the Shrine of Secrets.
• The amount of Bloodpoints received when purchasing an already owned Teachable Perk from the Shrine has been reduced to 200000 / 150000 (from 250000 / 200000) for new and old perks respectively


The following scoring events have had their initial Bloodpoints reward increased but adjusted with diminishing returns when triggered additional times during the game. The will increase Bloodpoints gain in general, particularly for those who were consistently receiving a low amount of Bloodpoints at the end of a trial.
• Objectives, Coop (increased from 10 to 25)
• Boldness, Chased (increased from 20/sec to 40/sec)
• Boldness, Escaped (increased from 250 to 400)
• Brutality, Hit (increased from 300 to 500)
• Hunter, Chase (increased from 5/sec to 10/sec)
• Hunter, Survivor Found (increased from 200 to 400)



• Increased the starting amount of Benevolent points (from 20 points to 35 points)


• Reduced the requirement to attain Bronze quality (from 50 points to 30 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Silver quality (from 130 points to 100 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Gold quality (from 230 points to 190 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Iridescent quality (from 310 points to 270 points)


• Increased the requirement to attain Bronze quality (from 200 points to 230 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Silver quality (from 400 points to 380 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Gold quality (from 700 points to 560 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Iridescent quality (from 1100 points to 880 points)


• Increased the requirement to attain Bronze quality (from 550 points to 650 points)
• Increased the requirement to attain Silver quality (from 1100 points to 1230 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Gold quality (from 2200 points to 1800 points)
• Reduced the requirement to attain Iridescent quality (from 3300 points to 2550 points)


• Pallet Interaction & Stun Zone changes

  • Removed the ability to drop a pallet and rapidly cross the zone, what is often referred to as the pallet vacuum. With this change, a survivor will always stay on the same side of the pallet when triggering the interaction.
  • Adjusted the dimensions of the pallet stun hitbox. The hitbox was larger on one side than the other and encompassed both the standing pallet and the fallen pallet. It has been reduced to only encompass the fallen pallet.


Dead Hard:

• Added an new animation to indicate that the perk is active
• Removed the speed boost from Dead Hard while in the air. This change aims to fix a variety of game hostage issues in multiple maps

Balanced Landing:

• Stagger effects from long falls are reduced by 75% for all Tiers, without cooldown
• Added sprint of 150% for 3 seconds for all Tiers
• Sprint causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds

Stake Out:

• Stake Out’s progression is not lost anymore when a token is consumed


Killer specific

• Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck if attempting to cleanse a totem that has a bear trap in front of it
• Fixed an issue that could caused a non-host Trapper to be launched in the air when picking up a trapped Survivor
• Fixed an issue that caused Bloodlust to be reset at the end of a Chainsaw interaction with the Hillbilly. Bloodlust will now reset at the start of the Chainsaw interaction instead.
• Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors camera to become offset when being pulled out of a locker or interrupted by the Killer
• Fixed an issue that caused the Killer Burn score events for The Wraith and Nurse not properly trigger
• Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith’s red stain to be visible for a few seconds after successfully cloaking
• Fixed an issue that would cause the nurse blink destination (and thus the plaid flannel’s target blink indicator) to wiggle around obstructions while moving/charging blink
• Fixed an issue that made it impossible to heal, Snap Out of It, or use Dead Hard during the Killer stun animation when getting free from their shoulder
• Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to briefly go flying when a Survivor dropped a pallet on the Killer during the pick up animation
• Fixed an issue that caused blood splatters to appear on the Huntress’ screen when successfully hitting a Survivor with a hatchet
• Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ hatchets to hit a collision over a picnic bench in Lampkin Lane
• Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ hatchets to hit a collisions when thrown over the flatbed of the pick up truck asset
• Fixed an issue that made it possible for The Huntress’ hatchets to hit Survivors through walls
• Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ hatchets to hit a collision when thrown over the engine part of the generators
• Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ red stain to flicker while idle
• Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s Maple Knight add-on not to work properly
• Fixed an issue where The Doctor’s illusions did not match the equipped customization items
• Fixed an issue that could cause The Hag to fall out of world when teleporting to a trap with the Mint Rag add-on
• Fixed an issue which caused the Hag, the Nightmare and the Pig to vault windows slower than intended. All killers should now vault windows in 1.7 seconds.
• Fixed an issue that made it impossible to hit a Survivor that was underneath the Killer

Map specific

• Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to use her blink power to get on top of assets in the Autohaven Wrecker’s and Coldwind Farm themes
• Fixed an issue that allowed players to walk on a rock in the Autohaven Wreckers maps
• Fixed an issue that caused an inaccessible Jigsaw box or chest in the Grim Pantry map
• Fixed an issue that caused an inaccessible Jigsaw box or chest in the Coldwind Farm maps
• Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a chest and a row of seats in Lery’s Memorial Institute map
• Fixed an issue that could cause Killers to become stuck when hitting a Survivor in the corner next to one of the exit gates in Lery’s Memorial Institute map
• Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a chest and a hedge on Lampkin Lane
• Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a hill and a tree in the Red Forest map
• Fixed an issue that could cause an impassable gap between a brick wall and a tree by the exit in the MacMillan Estate theme maps
• Fixed an issue that prevented Killers from damaging the generator in the Foundry building from one side
• Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse a totem between crates and a small log pile in the Suffocation Pit map
• Changed the position of the white arrows on the ground in The Game map to properly indicate where the stair cases are
• Fixed an issue that could cause the generator in the Vat Room of The Game map to be inaccessible from one side
• Tweaked the brightness in a few of the darker rooms in The Game map to make it more visible when in the Dream State with The Nightmare
• Fixed an issue causing too many pallets to be spawned in the Pale Rose map
• Fixed various LOD issues in the multiple maps


• Fixed an issue that could cause the survivor to teleport back to the side of the pallet/window they vaulted from
• Fixed an issue that caused the auto-save icon to appear after tapping a generator
• Fixed an issue where The Cannibal’s chainsaw didn’t make noise during his memento mori if he hadn’t previously used it
• Fixed an issue that caused David Kings jacket collars to remain floating after being sacrificed
• Fixed multiple instances of character customization stretching from other players point of view
• Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to be pushed into a generator when failing a skill check while the Killer was too close to them
• Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when the match ended while a Survivor vaulted over a pallet
• Fixed an issue that made it impossible to blind the Killer with a Survivor standing in front of them
• Fixed an issue that could rarely cause the interrupt animation not to play
• Fixed an issue that caused cleansed totems to fall through the floor/ceilings when cleansed on a 2nd floor
• Fixed an issue that caused the disconnected Survivor body to remain floating when disconnecting from the Killers shoulder
• Fixed an issue that caused a desync in animation when Killer picks up a falling Survivor
• Fixed an issue that could cause a desync in animation & health states when the Killer hit the survivor at the same time as they were going through the hatch
• Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors health state to appear as Dead when crawling through the exit with little health left
• Fixed an issue that could cause the scratch marks to generate through walls and floors
• Fixed an issue that could cause the moon to appear through trees and other assets
• Fixed an issue where pips for players at rank one would be displayed on the Tally screen page (causing an inconsistency with the rank display at the top right)
• Changed the report icon from gray to white
• Improvements to customization clipping and skinning issues for multiple characters & customization items


• Fixed an issue that could make the heartbeat extremely difficult to hear when the Killer had the perk Monitor & Abuse equipped
• Fixed an issue that caused the unhook audio to play shortly after hooking a Survivor
• Tweaked the hatch audio to be a bit louder and fixed sound occlusion
• Fixed improper formatting in the Dead Hard perk in English
• Fixed the improper values in the Bloodhound perk for Tier II in English
• Minor improvements to localization, audio & UI
• Integrated some missing localization for Italian


• Fixed an instance of an issue that could cause a client to get kicked out of a lobby, followed by an Easy Anti Cheat error message
• Changed the requirements for unlocking the Adept achievements for Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Trapper, Wraith and Hillbilly to keep consistency with the other Adept achievements. Please note: If there is partial progress on the achievement, it will be lost since the unlock requirements have changed.
• Fixed an issue that made it impossible to make progress on the Taking One For The Team achievement
• Fixed an issue that caused The Shape’s Vanity Mirror add-on to use the wrong description when the language was set to Polish

Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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