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DC’s Batman Rebirth and Watchmen, More Connections on the Way

Finally! The Watchmen/Batman Rebirth crossover is going to start coming together in more detail and with it, some much needed clarity.

Last June we were witness to the first contact between the “Watchmen” series and the DC Universe. A lot of people weren’t too happy with this because Watchmen has quite a huge following by itself. It has sold over a million copies and is the only graphic novel to make Time’s 100 best novels list.


 “Popularly cited as the point where comics came of age, Watchmen’s sophisticated take on superheroes has been universally acclaimed for its psychological depth and realism. It’s slowly and inevitably become it’s own franchise, spawning a movie, video game, and the Before Watchmen prequel comics.”

Now let’s talk about Batman Rebirth #1.  Wally West reveals that the time jump was not caused by “Flashpoint”, but by someone more powerful than even Darkseid. Batman ends up finding the Comedian’s badge in the walls of the Batcave just in time for Wally to say the words, ” we’re being watched”. Later, we see Wally West’s missing watch in the Watchmen universe as we find out that Doctor Manhattan is responsible for the creation of the new 52 – and then we were all suddenly left shivering with anticipation to see how this is going to play out.


Now it looks like some solid answers are coming our way! According to Tom King, the connections will be played out over two years worth of stories. An interview with King at New York Comic Con revealed some shining details,

 “It starts in Batman #9. It’ll hit there. This is a new continuity, so a lot of stuff is happening in Batman that affects the spine of the universe. It’s been going on, you just haven’t noticed it. For example, they just announced Suicide Squad vs the JLA— that’s coming out of the Amanda Waller stuff that we did in Batman. It’s a long-term plan, so that spins out of the I Am Suicide arc. And then in Batman #9, you’ll see the first hints of how the Watchmen story-line will play throughout the Batman universe.”

Sneaky sneaky sneaky! Well, now I’m getting more curious and excited! How about you DC fans, what’s your take on this clarification? Sound off in the comments below and tell us your thoughts!

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