Assassin’s Creed: Origin to Feature Naval Combat and Two Protagonists + New Screenshots

A flurry of rumors and leaks have been filling the hole left by the absence of an Assassin’s Creed game in 2016. With a new title set to release this year, the anticipation has become palpable. As E3 quickly approaches, more and more information is trickling down the pipeline and sources at WWG have gotten the inside scoop from anonymous sources at Ubisoft that the new title for the next game in the franchise is rumored to be Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
According to the sources, Assassin’s Creed: Origins is set to be revealed at E3 2017 and with the latest details that have emerged, excitement is about to hit peak before the debut. Sources say that this game will be open world and far more vast than its predecessors. The game will be set in Egypt and is said to center on the original assassins guild. Also, if the rumors are to be believed, Origins will be available this fall.
Both male and female (and both fully rendered) main protagonists will be playable in Assassin’s Creed: Origins. According to sources, the character progression will be less story oriented and linear, and it was compared to Bethesda’s Skyrim. It is unclear how far customization will go but given the comparison, fans may anticipate more than usual. Assassin’s Creed: Origins is also rumored to give players greater freedom with an emphasis on exploring the world. This is said to be the largest game in the franchise yet created with a massive scope. According to sources, the game has been in development for some time (several years at least) and if the rumors are true, then it would definitely show.
In terms of scope, Origins is rumored to go even beyond Egypt, with the potential to possibly even going to Greece. Boats are said to be returning as well, giving players a chance to navigate the Mediterranean Sea. This is said to also include Naval combat, adding yet another layer to the size and versatility of this new game.
Sources also described a video shown that is supposedly a teaser for Assassin’s Creed: Origins that detailed some interesting dynamics. According to the viewers, the video featured scenes from Egypt with a transition between historical locations and time periods that shifted to WWII France, and modern day Abstergo Industries. Whether or not this video will be shown to the public is another matter, but the mix of CGI and gameplay described sounds promising. Unfortunately, fans will have to wait until E3 to confirm what exactly the new game will entail, but if it’s anything close to these rumors, it will likely be a welcome and celebrated addition to the franchise.
Does the prospect of an open world free roam style Assassin’s Creed sound like the right move for the franchise? Join in on the conversation in the comments section below! As always, don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!
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Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!