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Assassin’s Creed Creator’s ‘Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey’ Receives New Teaser Trailer for Episodic Model (VIDEO)

Humankind Odyssey

Games of early human history aren’t very common. On one hand, it would be easy to create in a time millions of years in the past because of the creative liberty there. At the same time, that’s also what makes it difficult when trying to create something historically accurate, or at least close to being historically accurate from evidence given. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is a game taking on that challenge, developed by Panache Studios and Assassin’s Creed creator, Patrice Desilets. There isn’t much known about the game though we do know it will be set way back in human history. New information came to light yesterday at the Reboot Develop Conference as Desilets shared some basic details about the game including a change to its release model.

There hasn’t been much word on what exactly the game would entail. Back in 2015, it was announced that the game would be a short episodic AAA title but little else was mentioned outside of a small teaser. During the Reboot Develop Conference yesterday however, Desilets shared fresh news about Ancestors: The Humankind Odyysey:

It’s a third-person adventure game set 10 million years ago. Before it was episodic, and that changed the pace, but the content is the same. It’s a bigger game, a bigger world. It was hour to hour; now it’s open and I let the player tell their own stories. There are systems talking to each other, not me taking players by the hand. You’ll create the story of your own ancestors, and maybe it will be different than what science claims.

The game will be a documentary of sorts, detailing a world in distant human history allowing players to create the history of their ancestors, scientifically accurate or not. Also released at the conference is a new trailer. The teaser in 2015 had no real animations, rather a list of mankind’s achievements scrolling from most recent to oldest. This new teaser is something much different, starting with a quote from Charles Darwin.

Still not much to go on, no release date, and no confirmed platform. Far Cry Primal was a similar game, giving players a glimpse into a primitive human era, though it doesn’t appear that will be the direction that Ancestors will go. What could be waiting for players in this humankind odyssey? Let us know what you’re thoughts are in the comment section below and as always, don’t forget to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for 24/7 coverage of all things gaming and entertainment.

Chris Calles1560 Posts

Known as "Stash" or Yippee Calles. He's a student of everything, avid adrenaline junkie, and creator of random things. When he's not delving into a game, book, or movie - He's out teaching himself new things or taking part in some pretty epic adventures. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.


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