Windows 10 May be Getting a New Game Mode in a Future Update

It seems Microsoft is taking PC gaming seriously again (we can hope). There may be a new Game Mode coming in a not-so-distant future Windows 10 update. The update is rumored to improve PC performance while playing video games to help your games run better and smoother for a useful optimization.
Twitter user WalkingCat has found a new .dll (Dynamic-link library) file in the latest build notes for Windows 10 (build 14997). The new file is aptly named gamemode. According to WalkingCat, the update will alter the system’s resources to designate better performance while playing games.
The new feature isn’t active, as of yet, but if it is what WalkingCat claims it is, members of the Windows Insider program may have access to it very soon. Other sources claim that this feature will work much like how the Xbox One console runs a game. The Xbox Operating System will adjust resources to ensure that the game is running at its best possible potential. Microsoft has not implemented anything like this before on Windows, and there is still no guarantee that Game Mode will do what is claimed.
Another question yet to be answered is if the new feature will include all games played on a Windows 10 PC. During the 2016 E3 conference, Microsoft announced their Play Anywhere feature, which allows Microsoft titles to be purchased digitally on Xbox One and be playable on Windows 10 (and vise-versa) for free. So will Game Mode only support Microsoft games or will they play fair and allow the feature to be utilized through services like Steam or GoG?
It is very apparent that Microsoft is aiming to bridge some gaps between consoles and PCs. With everything they’ve incorporated, and continue to expand, into the Windows 10 and Xbox One, the cross platform capabilities between the two platforms are closer than they’ve ever been before.
What do you think of the possibility of Windows 10 Game Mode? Do you think that this is something that will affect gameplay in a positive way? Let us know where you stand on the subject in the comments section below and stay tuned with DFTG for all of your gaming news.
Jon McAnally376 Posts
Hailing from the armpit of California, this most radical of nerds loves video games, comics, and collectibles (not dolls). Prepare to feast your eyes on the magical wonder that is his editorials.