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Vampyr Publishers Aiming To Release A Sequel As Opposed To DLC


It is a common occurrence in this day and age of gaming that following a title’s release, additional content for the game will be available to purchase as DLC (downloadable content). Whether it be in-game gear, additional quests, or new maps, these post-launch features have become all too normal. Vampyr publishers Focus Home Interactive is planning on changing that formula with their upcoming title.

The publishing company is banking on the success of Vampyr to create a sequel, rather than offering DLC. Just like the old days of gaming. In a recent interview, Focus Home Interactive president Cédric Lagarrigue speaks about the future plans that they and Life is Strange developer Dontnod have for the title. Lagarrigue states:

This is a purely solo experience; we did not plan DLC. We would prefer, if the reception of the game justifies it, to think about a sequel. We and Dontnod already have some ideas, as there’s so many incredible things to offer in such a universe. “

Vampyr Publishers Aim for no DLC

Vampyr may not qualify as a Triple-A title, but the Vampyr publishers claims that this is much bigger than any of their other smaller budgeted games such as Farming Simulator. The president goes on to explain that the universe in which Vampyr takes place leaves room for more. Lagarrigue says:

It is bigger than our previous titles, but is on-par with other games currently in production at Focus which will be released after Vampyr. Our budgets, even if they do increase, are that of games filling the space between blockbusters and independent games. It is true that the game is impressive and has a strong personality, but because of its budget, it is not a triple-A. However, the universe, theme and quality of the game all allow it to exist in stores next to the blockbusters. But this is also currently true for many games with smaller budgets, on less retail-focused platforms such as PC. Audiences have evolved a lot during the past few years. Players yearn for new experiences, originality and less generic direction. There’s room for blockbusters, but players are ever fonder of different experiences.”

Vampyr is expected to release in the first half of 2018 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. To learn more about the title, check out these links:

What are your thoughts on the Vampyr publishers’ hopes to eliminate DLC and replace it with a sequel instead? Do you wish more companies would take this approach? Are you excited to get your hands on Vampyr? Let us know in the comments section below. As always, be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter to stay up to date on the hottest news in gaming and entertainment via our 24/7 live feed.

Jon McAnally376 Posts

Hailing from the armpit of California, this most radical of nerds loves video games, comics, and collectibles (not dolls). Prepare to feast your eyes on the magical wonder that is his editorials.


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