Exclusive The Witcher 3: Original Soundtrack Deluxe 4LP Vinyl Set Is Now Available

Gaming and soundtracks, the two just go together so beautifully. One amazing soundtrack in a sea of musical experiences comes from none other than CD Projekt RED’s The Witcher 3 game and now fans can experience it in all of it’s glory with a stunning new vinyl set.
“Many things go into a great video game,” say our friends over at ThinkGeek when talking about their new 4LP that’s now available through their website. “And make no mistake, The Witcher 3 deserves all the praise it has received since it was released. And, sure, great gameplay is absolutely important, but a great soundtrack will pull the player in. Music will hook you and not let you go. And even when you’re done with the game you can still picture moments while you were playing when you hear the music again. That is what a good soundtrack is, and that is exactly what this vinyl delivers.”
This vinyl set comes with the core game’s soundtrack as well as the musical stylings from the title’s DLC. It’s perfect for a gift idea, or when you just want to be transported back to the land of witchers once more in between actual play time.
For those looking forward to getting their hands on this new vinyl set, here’s what you need to know:
- The Witcher 3: Original Game Soundtrack – Deluxe 4LP Set
- Officially-licensed The Witcher 3 merchandise
- A ThinkGeek exclusive
- Gorgeous colored pressed vinyl with a new set of colors in each run – current set is all blood red
- 63 tracks total!!1!
- Almost 2 1/2 hours of music
- Four vinyl LPs jam packed with songs from the base game + the Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine DLCs all in a beautiful slip cover
- Slip cover comes with beautiful art featuring a towering Leshen on the front
Disc 1 Side A
- The Trail (2:49)
- Geralt of Rivia (2:22)
- Eredin, King of the Hunt (2:27)
- Wake Up, Ciri (1:34)
- Aen Seidhe (2:36)
- Commanding the Fury (2:08)
- Emhyr var Emreis (2:29)
- Spikeroog (3:05)
Disc 1 Side B
- Silver for Monsters (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:19)
- The Nightingale (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (1:39)
- City of Intrigues (2:06)
- The Hunter’s Path (2:52)
- Widow-maker (2:10)
- The Vagabond (2:47)
- …Steel for Humans (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (1:27)
- Fate Calls (1:58)
- Drink Up, There’s More! (1:36)
Disc 2 Side A
- After the Storm (1:31)
- Cloak and Dagger (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:46)
- Blood on the Cobblestones (2:02)
- Farewell, Old Friend (2:52)
- The Song of the Sword-Dancer (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:12)
- The Hunt is Coming (2:05)
- The Fields of Ard Skellig (3:09)
- Ladies of the Woods (1:51)
- I Name Thee Dea (…) (1:20)
Disc 2 Side B
- In the Giant’s Shadow (2:49)
- Merchants of Novigrad (3:09)
- A Story You Won’t Believe (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (1:37)
- Go for it (1:08)
- The Wolf and the Swallow (2:36)
- Like a Wounded Animal (1:11)
- Words on Wind (2:48)
- On Thin Ice (1:37)
- Hunt or Be Hunted (2:25)
Disc 3 Side A The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone DLC
- Hearts of Stone (2:53)
- Go Back Whence You Came (1:45)
- You’re… Immortal? (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:54)
- Evil’s Soft First Touches (2:48)
- Dead Man’s Party (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (0:49)
- Mystery Man (2:41)
Disc 3 Side B The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone DLC
- Breaking In (1:40)
- Whatsoever a Man Soweth… (2:21)
- The House of the Borsodis (0:49)
- The Temple of Lilvani (2:21)
- A Gifted Man Brings Gifts Galore (4:04)
Disc 4 Side A The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine DLC
- Blood and Wine (2:57)
- Fanfares and Flowers (3:10)
- For Honor! For Toussaint! (2:04)
- Blood Run (2:01)
- The Banks of Sansretour (3:58)
- Wine Wars (2:04)
- Vivienne (1:36)
- Titans of Infamy (1:38)
Disc 4 Side B The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine DLC
- On the Champs-Désolés (2:02)
- Beyond Hill and Dale… (3:04)
- The Mandragora (1:53)
- Tesham Mutna (2:02)
- Wind in the Caroberta Woods (3:19)
- The Beast of Beauclair (1:37)
- Searching for Cecilia Bellant (2:29)
- The Night of Long Fangs (1:44)
- Lady of the Lake (1:10)
Ready to get yours now? It’s available right here for $49.99!
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Matt Ruppert715 Posts
Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.