New Splatoon 2 Trailer Reveals Single Player Mode During Latest Nintendo Direct (VIDEO)

Nintendo saved, in the opinion of some, the best for last today at the latest Nintendo Direct presentation. A new Splatoon 2 trailer detailed the latest feature coming to the next addition to the franchise. Fans will be able to enjoy a new single-player mode that will give them a chance to fine-tune their skills:
The new Splatoon 2 trailer above features Marie of the Squid Sisters leading the way on an adventure to find Callie. In the story featured on their site, Marie returns from Calamari County after Callie doesn’t show up at the train station. Returning to Inkopolis she finds that Callie and The Great Zapfish are missing. Facing a new Octarian threat Marie sets out to find a recruit and rescue her friend. Here is a brief description of what to expect from Nintendo’s Youtube:
Use different weapons in single-player mode to overcome obstacles, defeat enemies and take down towering bosses – weapons like the Roller, Slosher, Splatling, or the new Dualies.”
According to Nintendo the single-player mode will give players a chance to get familiar with the game. While going solo players will get a chance to hone new skills and tactics they can bring over to the multiplayer battles. Whether or not this will give players an edge remains to be seen, but the Splatoon 2 trailer definitely features some pretty awesome challenges for those brave enough to ink splat their way to turf domination.
The new Splatoon 2 trailer comes just shy of two months before its July 21st release on the Nintendo Switch. The game is available for pre-order for $59.99 (with 20% off for Amazon Prime members). Be sure and order yours to get in on all the fun, just don’t ink it if you can help it, it’s not the same as licking things to claim them.
Will the added dynamic of single player mode better help introduce players to the madness of Splatoon 2? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!
Charles Douglas734 Posts
Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!