Outlast 2 Developers are Kickstarting their Own Brand of Adult Diapers Called Underscares

Red Barrels, the developers of Outlast 2, have created a Kickstarter in order to make their own brand of adult diapers called Underscares. So far they only have $5,890 pledged towards their $29,607 goal. Here is what they had to say,
“After the release of Outlast 1, we received numerous reports of soiled undergarments and unprepared anuses. So we, the team at Red Barrels, decided to come up with a solution that will let every gamer play Outlast 2 without worrying about their skivvies. Fear for your underwear no more with Underscares.”
According to Red Barrels the science is simple, if you’re scared enough, you’ll poop. These Underscares are completely legitimate by the way. They are actually pretty stylish, you know…. for a diaper. Underscares are actually wearable and even washable. The amount that you pledge actually determines what you receive. The list is as follows:
- $5 gets you nothing, but the satisfaction of knowing you helped out a poor scared gamer from the embarrassment of soiling him or herself.
- $10 gets you a DIY Underscares kit that includes a printable pattern PDF and an Outlast 2 sewable patch.
- $55 gets you a basic pair of Underscares and an Outlast 2 Steam Key
- $75 will get you a DELUXE pair of Underscares and an Outlast 2 Steam Key
- Lastly, if you pledge $6,666 you get, 6 Deluxe Underscares, 6 Steam Keys, 6 Outlast 2 sewable patches, and the Outlast Chapel.
Now, I bet you’re wondering what these bad boys look like, well let us show you!
Man! Those are some sweet piss catchers, I tell you what! With these stylish, black, studly diapers you will never have to worry about silly things, like a video game making your bowels involuntarily release in front of that hot girl you invited over! She’ll be so distracted by that shiny night light that she won’t even realize that you shat your pantaloons like the little scaredy baby that you are. Now I bet you’re wondering what the hell an Outlast 2 Chapel is. Well here you go, you Underscares diaper wearing badass!
Well that’s about it! Are you going to invest in these super cool Underscares for playing Outlast 2? Let us know in the comments below! We actually listed the original Outlast in DFTG’s Top Horror Games list, so hopefully this game will be unbearably scary. Don’t forget to check out our twitter and here is a promotional video for Underscares, enjoy!
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