WATCH: Neverwinter Swords Of Chult Console Release Date Confirmed

The team at Cryptic Studios have invested all their energy into bringing the latest expansion for Neverwinter. Following the PC release months ago, Neverwinter Swords of Chult will soon be making its debut for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Envelop yourself in all new content and changes heading to the MMORPG in PvP mode, new Signets of Patronage, inventory and general user interface improvements, and much more. For an inside look at the newest DLC, check out the introduction video below with producer Ben Bascom and systems designer Jared Sears:
Neverwinter Swords of Chult brings with it desired changes echoed throughout the community with the majority made to the user interface. To better manage inventory space and organization, players won’t need to balance checkbooks every time gems need to be refined or items need to be tidied up. In fact, for added visual fun, there’s a mini-game that gives a “chance per item of critical success”. Signets of Patronage are a new and improved method of running alternatives, which are account-bound tokens to help maintain a diverse gaming experience with toons.
The second and likely most anticipated changes are heading to PvP, which have been in dire need of tender loving care. Though it has taken some time to follow through, Cryptic Studios made leaps and bounds in terms of “leveling the playing field” for fairer combat. There has been a rework in tenacity, item scaling, “clean-up pass on diminishing returns”, and the permanent arrival of solo queues. Of course, an expansion isn’t without some new items and armor.
Other additions include a new random queuing system for Dungeon Delving, and a new skirmish called Merchant Prince’s Folly, and neat little emotes like “/em heart_shape” and “/em sleep_on_floor”. Also, did anyone ask for the Carpet of Flying? For more information on that and more, make sure to watch the informative developer video above.
Neverwinter Swords of Chult heads to PS4 and Xbox One on January 9th, 2018. So, PC players, what do you think of the expansion thus far? Is it something console owners should look forward to?Let us know in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.