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Player Outrage Causes Changes to NBA 2K18’s Microtransactions

NBA 2K18's Microtransactions

Recently released across multiple platforms, NBA 2K18 made a good impression on fans by adding The Neighborhood social space, but everything went downhill after that. Players were outraged about NBA 2K18‘s microtransactions and asked 2K Sports to change it.

Players complained that the game is practically forcing them to spend real money on the Virtual Currency, which is used to buy cosmetic items and improve their character’s skills. Although they are given a little VC for free, it isn’t enough to actually make a difference in the character’s skill level. Players can earn VC by completing games, but the amount of games needed to improve their overall rating to a good number was over the top.

NBA 2K18's Microtransactions

A lot of fans thought the prices of just the haircuts were excessive, with at least one costing 1,500 VC, and even the tattoos costing up to 1,000 VC. It made sense that players would ask for a change to NBA 2K18‘s microtransactions to make these things a little more attainable. Some fans have even threatened to stop playing these games over the issue.

It was announced through Twitter by Ronnie Singh, the guy in charge of social media marketing for the NBA 2K games, that hair coloring, hair cuts, and facial hair will now come at a much more reasonable price. At least the company seems to care what the players think, which is really good for fans of the game.

Now, if they would only make it so players could preview the haircuts before buying them, that would be great! The game is currently available on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, PC, and the Nintendo Switch. What do you think about NBA 2K18‘s microtransactions? Do you think lowering the price of cosmetic items is enough, or should they do more? Let us know what you think in the comments section below and then make sure to follow DFTG on Twitter to stay updated on all the hottest gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

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