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Microsoft Taking Steps To Restrict Momo Suicide Game From Minecraft

The word “momo” has quite a few distinct meanings and definitions. It’s a renown dumpling dish in several regions of east Asia and otherwise known as baozi in Chinese. In Japan, the word simply means “peaches,” but nowadays it’s related to an eerie urban legend taking over the internet with troubling links to suicides. It’s called the “Momo Suicide Game.” Knowing this, Microsoft is intent on “restricting” the game from becoming a modification for the hit game Minecraft.

What started off as an artistic yet creepy sculpture of a woman a giant head, bulging eyes and legs of a bird eventually evolved into a playable game on the WhatsApp service called the “Momo Suicide Game.” Rumor quickly spread of an urban legend that warned curious minds of its hazardous potential – those who choose to play are convinced into committing self harm, which may even result in death. In fact, it was found linked to the death of a 12-year-old girl in Escobar, Argentina. Despite its implications, there are folks out there attempting to implement this trend via game mod. Minecraft in particular.

Whether or not you believe in urban legends such as the Momo Suicide Game, the notoriety it has gained since inception leaves little room for chances. Given a related death of a child and what that could mean for a title whose audience largely comprises of the same age group, Microsoft seeks to “restrict” the mod from officially carrying over. The company spoke to Fox News saying:

This content, which was independently developed by a third party, does not align with our values and is not part of the official Minecraft game. This is a misuse of the platform and we are taking action to restrict access to the mod.”

Urban legend or otherwise, the sculpture has gained disturbing momentum and warrants caution for those with young ones. Pre-teens and teenagers are a particularly vulnerable demographic to psychological influences. Thankfully, Microsoft is willing to take the steps to prevent the mod from entering Minecraft.

Passing a question on to you, do you believe the company should censor this mod or should it be allowed to exist? Any personal thoughts on the Momo Suicide Game in general? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on DFTG Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here’s some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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