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LawBreakers Creator Says Cross-Play is “Dumb” – Tells Fans Exactly Why He Thinks So

LawBreakers creator

Boss Key Productions founder Cliff Bleszinski, best known for creating Gears of War, is now working on his first game since leaving Epic Games. The first-person shooter LawBreakers recently released a trailer for the game as well as announced a PS4 version alongside the PC version. This announcement led one fan to ask the LawBreakers creator whether cross-play between the console and PC versions was a possibility, to which Bleszinski replied with a hard “No” and wasn’t scared to say why.

That smiley face really softens the blow. Gamers playing together across platforms seems like a great idea sometimes, especially with games like Rocket League that is built for use of a controller no matter the platform. Unfortunately when it comes to first-person shooters, most fans would agree that PC players will always have the advantage using mouse and keyboard over console players and their controllers. This unfair advantage would probably cause a lot of problems with the game’s fan base and the LawBreakers creator agrees that it sucks.

Now, even though Bleszinski does not agree that console and PC players should match together, the LawBreakers creator does think that cross-play between consoles, specifically Xbox One and PS4, is a good idea. Too bad Microsoft and Sony can never seem to come together on that mission to the dismay of their fans.

Even though cross-play is not a possibility, Boss Key Productions says that the PS4 version will be everything you could want and more, plus they are hoping to release both versions on the same day. What do you think about cross-play? Is it fair to the console players? Have you tried it yourself? Let us know in the comment section below and then head to the Don’t Feed the Gamers Twitter page for the hottest gaming news 24/7!

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