Konami Reveals Castlevania Site Dedicated To Series’ History

Konami came out with news last week that PlayStation 4 owners will be getting a delicious bloody treat with Castlevania Requiem coming to the console on October 26th. The game is a collection of the quintessential classic Castlevania Symphony of the Night and the rare, highly sought after Castlevania: Rondo of Blood.
Rondo of Blood was only released in Japan for the PC Engine CD then later to the PlayStation Portable in 2007, but now everyone around the world can experience the direct sequel to Symphony of the Night for the first time. Konami provided a little blurb about the rare classic to go along with the announcement:
Released on PC-Engine in 1993, this was the first in the series released as a CD-ROM game. It took full advantage of the new media format, and was praised by reviewers for its crisp visuals and amazing music.
Venture through 9 stages featuring hidden levels and alternative routes to save imprisoned villagers as you set out to destroy count Dracula once and for all. Playable characters include Richter Belmont the Vampire Hunter and Maria Renard the master of the 4 celestial beasts.”
Coinciding with this exciting news, Konami has released a website called Castlevania Portal that chronicles the series’ history with a handy-dandy timeline. That’s right, from the original ’87 NES release to notable games like Super Castlevania IV and Dracula X to the oft-forgotten deep cuts like Lament of Innocence on PlayStation 2 and the 2D fighter Castlevania: Judgement on the Wii.
It’s a fun little treat for Castlevania fans so check out that link and learn yourself a little bit of video game history today! Are you excited to check out these timeless gems? Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more gaming news and read some of these other fantastic stories from the rest of the Don’t Feed the Gamers staff:
Colin Regan239 Posts
Colin is a freelance writer for DFTG with previous bylines at other media outlets such as Twinfinite.