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A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV Free to Download on PS4 and Xbox One (VIDEO)

The Final Fantasy XV spin-off launched today and is free to download on PS4 and Xbox One. A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV was actually released back in November, but was exclusive to the players who pre-ordered the open world action role-playing game Final Fantasy XV at EB Games and GameStop. Now it is free for everyone and this retro style game is only 2 GB in size. It is rated 16 and up and is set in a different version of the previous 30 years before XV.

The trailer starts with a boy sitting in bed while his father tells a supposedly made up story about his youth. You play as the dad, young King Regis, in a place called Insomnia. You have to fight to bring peace back to your lands with fast paced combat, help from your companions, elemental magic, and the ability to summon legendary allies. The best part of the trailer is getting to see the actual gameplay and how many old gaming memories it brings back to light. A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV looks like so much fun!

A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV

You can download A King’s Tale for Xbox One and PS4 right now. What do you guys think of the game? Have you played it already? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below and make sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter or start a conversation with us on Disqus! Want more Final Fantasy news? Check out these articles below:

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