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Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode One Recap – “F**King Nuts!” (Spoilers are Coming)

At long last, the latest season of Game of Thrones has arrived and it did not disappoint. It’s been over a year since season six left fans of the brutal world of Westeros with their jaws on the floor. Things went boom, Snow got iced, and our girl Daenerys finally made her move for the throne. I think it’s obvious at this point, but just in case – the spoilers are coming! If you haven’t seen the world premiere of season 7, grab yourself a glass of official Game of Thrones wine and go fix that error in judgement! Now – the recap.

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Let’s be honest here … episode one was f**king nuts. After six long seasons, the characters expertly placed on all corners of the map are finally beginning to make their move. This build up has been one insane, and at times – tedious, ride but season 7 is proving that the wait was worth it. Cersei is here to to take care of her children and blow shit up (and she’s all out of children), Jon and Sansa butt heads on how to properly lead a people amidst the brewing storm, Little Finger gets shafted, and Arya makes a power play of the century. Crazy, right?

Let’s start with my girl Arya Stark. Arya was the youngest daughter of Ned Stark and many (those who did not read the books) assumed that she would be a weak character and none too memorable. Boy, were they wrong. Season 6 saw her complete her transformation into fully certified badass that suddenly remembered she has a name and season 7 showed she knows how to use it. The opening scene saw her taking the face of the (thanks to her) deceased Walder Frey and lulling his people into a false sense of security before straight up doing her own, less bloody, version of the Red Wedding. This definitive strike against her enemies was profound, merciless, and down right chilling. “Tell them ‘the North remembers’,” she says as she walks away without a single look back and a smirk on her face. It was just epic enough that we’re just going to ignore the weird, out of place, and completely unnecessary cameo from Ed Sheeran later on in the episode.

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Jon Snow might not know much, but he knows how to push back against Sansa’s political interference. Snow himself puts his honorable foot forward to unite a divided North against the threat of the Night King’s army and the Lannisters. Though he does his best to be just and fair, Sansa was just not having it and who could blame her? She hasn’t exactly had the most nourishing experiences with those in political power thus far and may have taken the lessons from Cersei a bit too much to heart. With the two butting heads and Little Finger keeping a close eye, we will definitely see their divisive styles come to a heated head at some point this season. That being said – their conflicting ruling styles didn’t overshadow the complete badassary that Lyanna Mormont brings to the table. With just a few short lines, she stole the show as per usual. #LyannafortheIronThrone2K17

SPEAKING of a pile of dog shit – er, I mean Little Finger … can I just call it now that he’s going to see an untimely, yet completely justifiable, death this season? And that’s not just my wishful thinking (though I’m wishing very, very hard). He carefully manipulated Sansa in the past, rescuing her at key times and whispering in her ear all the while but it seems that her brother isn’t the only one the red-head is tired of catering to. She straight up denied him as he got into her space preaching about her happiness. With a cold gaze that had nothing to do with the winter, she outwitted the wit prince as she straight up shut him down. He’s a leech, he’s gross, and he’s a total creep – SANSA, THROW HIM OFF A BUILDING!

Bran Stark, bless his heart, didn’t have a huge appearance this episode but that doesn’t mean his screen time was unimpactful. With Bran and Meera arriving at Castle Black, the two were reluctantly welcomed by stand-in Commander of the Night’s Watch Eddison Tollett. Brief, but powerful in just the right ways during their to-the-point interaction.

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I’m bringing this up because it’s the ship that set sail at first meme and the scene was just too hilarious to ignore! There was one scene during the Sansa/Snow interaction where Brienne of Tarth was seen in the practice yard with Little Poddykins (Podrick) and a leering Tormund in the background. NOW KISS! He wants a piece of that and MmmHmm, I don’t blame you boo. You get you a piece of that Bri Kat Bar (that was weird, sorry).

Cersei receives an offer she definitely refused while at her throne room in King’s Landing. The understandably paranoid murdering queen is greeted by the Sass King himself: Euron Greyjoy. His apperance was brief but totally worth it as he continiously trolled the hell out of Jaime Lannister with his “two working hands” while appealing to Cersei’s desire for control. While he made good selling points, she refused due to his untrustworthy nature. When she reminded him that he killed his own brother, he simply smiled and looked straight at Jaime while replying, “And I enjoyed it, you should try it sometime.” CHECK MATE. Sort of, she still refused his offer of marriage but he made a foreshadowing promise to return with a gift that will prove him worthy … hmmmm.

Things got shitty (literally) for Samwell Tarly and his family as he begins his duty at the Citadel. In the hopes of fully encapsulating the title of Maester, he does some pretty gross things that led to an admittedly humorous montage of books, shit, and food that looks like said shit. The special FX team spared no expense to making sure those turds looked realistic. Gross. But it wasn’t all for nothing and he eventually gains access to those forbidden books that shows where a mine of Dragon Glass could be found – and wouldn’t you know it, it’s where Daenerys JUST landed. What a coincidence! It’s almost like the writers are setting up for Jon and Danny to team up or something … ?.

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Which, of course, leads me to the Mother of Dragons and her band of merry misfits. After arriving at her true home in Dragonstone in a lavishly outstanding armada (I mean, that’s the only way to travel, am I right or am I right?), she makes her way through the abandoned keep as she reclaims her birthright. She said but only three words the entire episode but BALLS … them’s fighting words. One little sentence sets the tone for all of season 7, you ready?

Shall we begin?”

Did you catch the season premiere of Game of Thrones? What are your thoughts for season 7 so far? Any juicy theories you care to share? Join us and tell us all about it in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check DFTG out on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7! You can even tweet as us to chant for your favourite house!

Liana Ruppert578 Posts

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Mass Effect, Liana has been an avid collector of gaming and comic memorabilia for well over two decades. With a passion for writing, gaming, and comics - she is currently working as Editor-in-Chief for the revival of Prima Games, with previous managing editor experience with several gaming publications including, The Hollywood Reporter, TwinGalaxies, and other outlets. She is also the Co-Owner and Managing Editor for DFTG. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, as well as several Facebook communities online.


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