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Friday the 13th Game Recognized by Guinness World Records for Crowdfunding Feat

Guinness world records

Friday the 13th: The Game has been all the rage for gamers who are also horror movie fans and now the title is becoming a big deal for a different reason. The Guinness World Records 2018 Gamer’s Edition has named the survival horror game as the “Most Crowdfunded Videogame Based on a Movie”. The developers of the game raised millions of dollars on Backerkit and Kickstarter, earning them this recognition.

The team that worked on Friday the 13th: The Game tweeted about the record that was earned by raising a whopping $2,060,651 before the game’s release earlier this year. It makes sense that the title was able to gain so many donations when their incentives were just too damn irresistible! Things like Counselor clothing DLC and an exclusive variation of Jason were just a couple of the things that fans could gain at different levels of donations.

As usual, when there’s a little bit of gaming excitement going around, there will always be the angry few trying to tear the title down. When the developers began tweeting, so did the players who felt the need to point out issues with the game. Comments about how there could be so many bugs, when they raised over $2 million, and why they would charge so much for the game itself, if they made that much money to create it.

Oh well, you can’t please everyone! What do you think about Friday the 13th: The Game making it into the Guinness World Records? What are your feelings about the game itself? Tell us about it in the comment section below and if you haven’t yet, make sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter to stay updated on all the hottest gaming and pop culture news 24/7! Did you hear that L.A. Noire will be more expensive on the Switch? Read all about it here!


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