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Fallout 76 Roadmap Reveals New Quests, Features, And More Coming Soon

Fallout 76

Those who have played Bethesda’s online-only wasteland adventure might have a few things to say about the game since its release last year, but the studio has been hard at work trying to make the experience better. That said the development team recently released a roadmap that outlines new quests, features, and more coming to Fallout 76.

In a post on their website, Bethesda revealed what their plans are for the game over the next few months. They mention how they know there are many more things to be fixed ahead, but progress is coming along nicely. “However, we know the game had a difficult launch, and we’ve made mistakes along the way,” they said.

“We share in your frustrations when we do,” Bethesda said. “We’ll probably make a few more, and when we do, we will work to correct them as quickly as possible. Know that we’re fully dedicated to making this game the best it can be – and even more so, a platform for endless Fallout adventures for years to come.”

Fallout 76


As for this year, it looks like they’ve got their seasons planned out. Three free and big content updates will be arriving in 2019 for Fallout 76 – spring will see the release of Wild Appalachia, Nuclear Winter will be arriving this summer, and Wastelanders in the fall. Here’s more about each:



A mythical beast, a lost generation of scouts, and the strongest brew this side of the wasteland. Welcome to Wild Appalachia – a series of new quests, features, events, crafting systems and more starting on March 12 and appearing over several weeks. Wild Appalachia includes:

  • New Quests: Shear Terror! – Uncover the ‘encryptid’ secrets of Appalachia in a new series of quests and encounters to separate monsters from myths.
  • New Quests: Ever Upwards – Journey to the deepest reaches of the woods with new stories for the legendary Pioneer Scouts. Earn merit badges, climb the ranks, and earn a customizable backpack for increased utility.
  • New Features: Legendary Vendor and Scrapping – Locate the mysterious Purveyor to exchange and scrap your unwanted legendary items for new legendary gear. For every star rating on a legendary item you scrap, increase your chances to get the legendary weapon or armor of your dreams.
  • New Features: C.A.M.P. Decorating, Player Vending, Functional Camera – Use items from your stash to decorate your C.A.M.P. Build vending machines and flag items for sale. Simply set your prices and walk away to continue your adventures in Appalachia, being sure to capture all your favorite memories using the new functional camera. The vending machines do all the work, you just need to count the caps.
  • New Features: Brewing and Distilling – Go on a new quest to discover the secrets of the forbidden brew Nukashine and bring the party back to your C.A.M.P with new brewing and distilling systems and recipes.
  • New Seasonal Event: Fasnacht Parade – Chase away Old Man Winter and quicken the coming of spring with the ancient festival of Fasnacht! Join the celebration and complete this new limited-time event to earn unique rewards in the form of festive Fasnacht Masks.
  • New Game Mode: Survival – This all-new game mode brings a higher-stakes PvP experience with fewer restrictions, increased rewards, and new challenges plus all the original content of Adventure Mode.



Summer will bring another series of major updates to Fallout 76, including Nuclear Winter – an entirely new way to play that changes the rules of the wasteland.

  • New Game Mode: Nuclear Winter – An entirely new way to play Fallout 76, completely changing the rules of the Wasteland.
  • New Vault Raids: Vaults 96 and 94 Opening – For our most seasoned players, test your strength in all new high-level group Vault Raids.
  • New Feature: Legendary Players – An all-new prestige system will allow players above level 50 to become Legendary, resetting their characters with all new more powerful abilities.



Embark on a tale with true choice and consequences in Wastelanders – our biggest and most ambitious update for 76. Wastelanders will include a new main questline, new factions, new events, new features and even more surprises.

Fallout 76 is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Are you excited for the future of Fallout 76, or have you already moved onto other titles? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!


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