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Dungeons And Dragons Monopoly Now Available (VIDEO)

dungeons and dragons monopoly

The Op Games and Hasbro combines the high-fantasy lore of Dungeons and Dragons into the cult classic resource management tabletop, Monopoly. Venture into the Forgotten Realms with MONOPOLY: Dungeons and Dragons with iconic monsters, tokens, and custom currency to buy, sell, and trade.

MONOPOLY: Dungeons and Dragons contains 22 monsters as property spaces, including the Bugbear, Demogorgon, and Beholder. It’s perfect for groups of two to six players who can take up the role of a halfling rogue, human fighter, human wizard, dwarven cleric, tiefling bard, or elven ranger. Who knew Check out the fine details in the video below:

“On your journey, Treasure and Encounters cards will dictate random instances of fortune and downfall in place of the usual Chance and Community Chest piles,” The Op Games describes the card system for MONOPOLY: Dungeons and Dragons. “Expeditions and Bases replace the houses and hotels expected of modern accommodations. In lieu of railroad spaces are Tomb of Horror and Castle Ravenloft, to name some. Accumulate these properties to collect D&D currency, and succesfully nerf your enemies into bankruptcy!”

MONOPOLY: Dungeons and Dragons is available now for $39.99 on the official page here or at your local game store. The complete board game includes the board, six collectible tokens, 28 title deed cards, 16 chance cards renamed Encounters, 16 community chest cards renamed Treasure, themed currency, 32 houses renamed Expeditions, 12 hotels renamed Bases, two dice, and a rulebook.

This sounds like a perfect addition to the pile of game night options, especially for a break away from digital media. Thoughts on the mashup between Monopoly and Dungeons and Dragons? Will you be adding this to your collection?

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Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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