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Classic Star Wars Sim X-Wing Being Recreated In Unity Engine (VIDEO)

X-Wing Header

Over two years ago, an enthusiast by the name of David Esparza Guerrero posted on the GoG Forums gathering interest for those that wanted the classic X-Wing to be modernized with a newer engine. He proposed to a remake of the X-Wing flight engine that would increase resolution as well as the general aesthetics of the game, whilst not changing the game only when needed, avoiding it if possible. A very ambitious venture, but one that certainly seems to have been popular enough for him to do just that.

Old X-Wing

Amidst the great release of Rogue One (full spoiler review here), and the incredibly sad (and painful) news of Carrie Fisher, Guerrero has released a new 14 minute video showcasing his work, giving some Star Wars fanatics (especially those that loved the space sim games, even more so X-Wing) a new hope for the dated game. It looks amazing, but some are (rightfully) worried that this may just be a pipe dream, and Guerrero will most likely lose interest and never finish his project – Here’s hoping that dark day never comes.

There is also the worry that he will somehow receive a cease-and-desist like that of the fan-made Battlefront 3 Galaxy in Turmoil. He insists it is purely a mod, so it should be more than safe, but in this day and age, anything is possible. It does rely heavily on the core files, so it may be exempt from a lawyers touch, but it does seem a fine line and we all know how those devils can work their magics to get over those lines. Lets all hope it’s safe and he can finish it.

The battle shown in the video is the Y-Wing Historical Mission 6: Interception and Capture. This isn’t as “exciting” or “intense” as some of the more modern games, but X-Wing is a different breed of space sim. Missions tend to take place in the large, sprawling, unending space where you can easily get lost. The missions tend to run multiple scenarios with multiple goals, and one-on-one dog fights can take longer than most are used to – but the battles can escalate quickly to a fast paced all out brawl, especially once capital ships and cruisers get involved.

This looks like a beautiful piece of work, and I really hope it gets finished. Comment below and let us know your thoughts on this. Did you ever play one of the old X-Wing games? What was your fighter of choice?

Scott Ace50 Posts

Scott (AKA Ace) is an Australian gamer, who enjoys nothing more than taming dinosaurs, piloting 'mechs, building things, and shooting people who deserve it online. A very typical nerdy geek who is currently looking to spread that love with others.


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