Cartoon Network’s Animated Short ‘Welcome To My Life’ Teaches Tolerance and Understanding (VIDEO)
Cartoon Network‘s animated short Welcome To My Life came out recently and follows a friendly monster as he goes through his day at high school. The monster is named Douglas, but prefers his nickname T-Kash that his friends gave him. The short plays like a reality TV show interviewing T-Kash and his parents about what life is like growing up a monster in a human neighborhood. The show was created/written/directed/narrated by Elizabeth Ito (Adventure Time) and is only 9 minutes long, check it out below.
The underlying theme throughout Cartoon Network’s animated short is a lesson in tolerance of people’s differences. In the short, T-Kash is like every other kid at the school, he just wants to be accepted and make friends. He talks about how he joined the football team to make friends and just exudes this whole gentle giant thing, but not all is happy in his world. T-Kash makes a comment in the cafeteria about another kid being the human version of himself. Although the comment was completely innocent, the other boy became angry. He did not like being compared to T-Kash and challenges the monster to a fight. Instead of being angry, T-Kash seems more sad than anything. He doesn’t understand why this boy would want to fight him over the comparison and begrudgingly accepts his fate. In the end the other boy realizes that there is nothing wrong with being compared to a “giant lizard or whatever”.
Cartoon Network’s animated short is currently only a one time thing, but with the response from fans who identified with T-Kash, there is definitely potential for Welcome To My Life to become an actual show. Would you like to see that happen? Let us know in the comment section below and then head on over to the Don’t Feed the Gamers Twitter page and click that follow button for all the hottest gaming and entertainment news 24/7! Did you hear that Jeff Goldblum spoke about his return to Jurassic Park? Read about it here!
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