Anthem: BioWare Reveals More On Matchmaking And Weapons

BioWare has done a great job so far answering fan’s questions on Twitter regarding their anticipated co-operative shoot n’ loot game Anthem. Both Lead Producer Michael Gamble and Executive Producer Mark Darrah have shed light on storyline events in the game and how the world will change periodically. Anthem is going to be a massive game, no doubt, but what about some of the more minute aspects surrounding the experience? Well, it was only a matter of time until another AMA for the two veteran devs would come. Over the past week the team has answered even more questions and now we have a little bit of a highlight reel of some of the more pertinent topics discussed:
On his biggest “Anthem Moment” during internal testing this week:
At the end of a 4 player stronghold, on veteran difficulty. I was storm and @PWatamaniuk was a colossus. We *barely* survived, due to lucky use of the storms <redacted> ultimate move.
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) September 16, 2018
On whether matchmaking will be available for each and every mission type for players:
— Mark Darrah (@BioMarkDarrah) September 17, 2018
On whether or not there will be mobile game style “Daily Log-in” rewards:
There will be daily things
— Mark Darrah (@BioMarkDarrah) September 16, 2018
On favorite weapons thus far:
not ready to talk about the number, but my favorite is still the colossus chaingun. #moredakka
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) September 17, 2018
On whether or not fans can expect novels and other cross-media products, as with BioWare’s previous games:
Nothing to announce at this time
— Mark Darrah (@BioMarkDarrah) September 15, 2018
And that’s about it for now! Sounds like Anthem is really shaping up to be a “Player-First” experience as EA CEO Andrew Wilson would say. Seeing as how this has been an increasingly common occurrence for BioWare to answer fan questions in flurries, it may be a good idea to follow them on Twitter to get the scoop on new Anthem details. While you’re there be sure to follow us as well for any other Anthem details that come up as soon as we hear about them. Check out some other fantastic pieces as well from the rest of the Don’t Feed The Gamers staff:
Colin Regan239 Posts
Colin is a freelance writer for DFTG with previous bylines at other media outlets such as Twinfinite.