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Star Wars Battlefront II’s DLC Heroes To Cost More Credits Than Base Game’s Offerings

Star Wars Battlefront II's DLC Heroes

Microstransactions are at the forefront of hot topics these days. With more and more companies offering the costly add-ons to gamers, many are becoming more aware of the pay-to-win mentality some have. One such title that has been discussed at length recently is the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront II. When the beta launched, microtransactions were aplenty and angered a good portion of the participants. Fans felt that this would not bode well for the game’s release. EA responded with tweaking the content, but a recent report stating that Battlefront II‘s DLC heroes would cost more credits than the base game’s character suggest that they have not done enough.

Reddit user reveal_time_bfedit, who has been known to report trustworthy info regarding EA in the past, has recently posted after a period of silence that was due to “certain circumstances”.  They bring to attention the fact that Battlefront II‘s DLC heroes and other “free DLC” will require more credits than the base game’s content. Here’s what was said:

For those of you who don’t know or don’t remember me I leaked a fair amount of information and did a leaks AMA a few months back but because of certain circumstances I had to go silent for a bit. I’m breaking that silence because the systems put in place by EA are serious fucked and will ruin this game. There’s good news though, the constant negative press and consumer backlash is having an effect within the company but needs to continue, hell even increased. Please don’t fall for their bullshit, they’re going to make a passive aggressive statement about how the amount of post launch seasons will be decreased because of lackluster lootbox sales in order to try and guilt people to buy boxes to get more content in the future. It’s straight bullshit. Do not buy any crates, I’m completely serious that this will help the game in the long run. All the “free dlc” will need to be bought with credits. That means new heroes, weapons and yes possibly even vehicles will need to be bought before playing with them. The prices are currently even higher than the base game prices so believe me when I say it will only get worse from here unless the pushback is big enough. I will answer any questions/clarify anything that I can because this is a huge issue.

Just to make some more points clear, the current credit prices for things such as heroes or lootboxes is how it will be for launch. They didn’t jack up the prices for people who had EA Access those are literally the current prices for everything in the game.”

As it is with just about anything on the internet, the comments started pouring in. However, it quickly turned into many gamers calling out companies like EA for sticking to the greedy business model they are attempting to force on fans. Either way, it’s a cause that only continues to gain traction with each video game launch, leading many to wonder if the pay-to-win scheme will prevail or become obsolete with the quickness. Only time will tell.

Star Wars Battlefront II is set to be released on November 17 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming news, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Is the growing trend of microtransactions a very bad thing, or do you find there to be nothing to worry about? Is it ridiculous that Battlefront II‘s DLC heroes will cost more than the base game’s offerings? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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