Star Citizen Alpha Adds Webcam Facial Mapping To 3.3 Update (VIDEO)

Released on October 10th, Star Citizen Alpha 3.3 comes with plenty of new features, the most impressive of which is the integration of facial mapping to the game. While players could voice their own characters, this latest update allows for players to use their webcam to map their facial expressions and apply it to their character as well. This would allow for a more interactive and immersive experience for everyone.
With CitizenCon coming up in Austin, Texas – the “FoIP” addition comes just in time to showcase to fans who might be on the fence about trying it out. Of course, this news was announced in August of last year, however, this is the first time the feature will be available in the game. Check out the initial video released last year below:
According to the press release, all players will have access to the face and voice IP in the Star Citizen Universe. Surely players will find fun and creative ways to use this technology. For those looking to enhance the RPG experience, the addition of characters that mimic player expression will likely get users that much more into the game.
Of course, the update brings more than just this awesome feature to Star Citizen. New ships, weapons, features, and so much more are on the way with Alpha 3.3.0. For those who would like to learn more, check out all of the details here! Be sure to keep up with Don’t Feed the Gamers as we continue to follow this and other amazing gaming stories!
What are your thoughts on the FoIP feature from Star Citizen? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!
Charles Douglas734 Posts
Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!