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Quake Champions Unveils New Trailer for Anarki, A Transhuman Punk With a Hoverboard (VIDEO)

Quake Champions

It’s been slow going waiting for the latest updates on Bethesda’s upcoming title Quake Champions. Understandably, the slow updates on this newest shooter may be frustrating for fans of the gaming giants. Luckily for all of us, Bethesda has finally unveiled a new addition to their Champions roster. Who is this new Champion, you may ask? Meet Anarki, a transhuman punk with a hoverboard and the will to mess up your entire day. Check out the trailer below to meet Anarki for yourself:

Anarki’s rebellion began with the usual self-vandalism, but he craved something greater, and found it in transhumanism. Addiction, injury, disease… Why tolerate flesh if he could replace it? Using family riches, he underwent increasingly extreme cybernetic surgeries. After a microelectrode pierced his pineal gland, Anarki perceived a surreal, alien reality breakthrough! He eagerly sought more procedures, ignoring the insomnia. Each strengthened his perception of the hidden realm. But only once he met a girl who saw it, too, was he sure he could reach it.

Anarki isn’t your average, ordinary punk. With cybernetic limbs, and a hoverboard, this guy is definitely fit to wreck some bad guys up (or at least, anyone fighting against this unhinged character). With the ability to zip along and frag the daylights out of enemies, Anarki definitely looks like someone we wouldn’t want to piss off. What’s most interesting about this character, however, is his Active ability: Anarki can administer a health injection on himself, which instantly refuels the Champion, and gives him a 5 second speed boost after he does so. Now that is an ability that can come in handy in the middle of a free-for-all, brawl!

So far, Bethesda has been very coy about updating fans with the latest news on Quake Champions, which makes the latest update all the more exciting for anxious gamers. There isn’t a set release date on when this game will be out, but if you’re interested in trying out the title, Quake Champions will be having a closed beta, which you can sign up for here.

For more news on Bethesda, check out the articles below to keep yourself in the know:

So what do you think of the latest fighter added to Quake Champions? Do you think Anarki will be a kick-ass character to play? Are you signing up for the closed beta for this game? Share your thoughts in the comments below or hop on over to our Don’t Feed the Gamers Disqus to join in on the conversation there! Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7. As always … game on, friends!


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