LEGO Harry Potter Collection Gets Nintendo Switch, Xbox One Release Date (VIDEO)

The magical realm of Harry Potter is nearly-always providing new fan service in the form of new books, spin-off films, and oodles of merchandise. Several games featuring our heroic “boy who lived” have also held a special place in players’ collections over the years, one notable title being the LEGO Harry Potter series.
Originally dropping back in 2009, all 7 years of blocky adventure were assembled for the LEGO Harry Potter Collection, featuring a graphical remaster and including all bouts of bonus DLC. The adaptations were made exclusive to PlayStation 4 back in 2016, but in a stroke of surprise, WB Games have now announced new ports are headed to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
Those with hype as big as Hogwarts won’t have long to wait before retreading the wizarding world, as the game’s release date of October 30th has also been unveiled from under the invisibility cloak. This is great news for fans wanting to go back to the popular LEGO game as the addition of Xbox One and the Switch fully brings the title to the big three modern-gen systems.
LEGO Harry Potter Collection is now available for PlayStation 4 and will arrive on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One on October 30th.
What do you think? Are you excited to get back to breaking blocks and taking names in LEGO Harry Potter? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter and Facebook to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more about featured game re-releases, check out these next few news stories:
Eric Hall2712 Posts
Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.