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Griftlands Reveals New Trailer, Alpha Starts Next Month (VIDEO)


Klei Entertainment, creators of the venerable Don’t Starve and Mark of The Ninja, have been working very hard on a new game called Griftlands. The title was originally pitched at E3 2017 as a turn-based RPG focusing on building a lifelike world with a ton of underlying systems working around you.

Griftlands was meant to feature ambitious systems like a full trading system, with a supply and demand model, that would operate between the in-game companies. Players could build a reputation as an ally or enemy among the corporations and could affect how well business was going for any of them. Eventually, Klei decided to pivot after determining these systems were getting away from letting the player make impactful choices and has made some massive changes to the game. Check out the new rebooted Griftlands below:

Seems pretty rad, right? Immediately apparent are the roguelike elements in the trailer. It seems like dialogue choices are as impactful as combat. Looks like we might even have a separate speech deck to build for conversations from the combat deck players will be building.

Griftlands will be coming to Epic Games Store on PC for one-year exclusivity when the game launches in Fall of next year, however, players can get in on the Alpha on July 11th. A single campaign for the character Sal will be available, with two more characters and campaigns for each coming over the next calendar year.

So what do you think of Griftlands? Do you think implementing deck-building into more than just combat is a smart choice? Do you like the more focused gameplay loop that Klei decided to stick with this time, or will you miss the originally pitched RPG elements? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow us on Twitter for more news on Griftlands. Also, check out more E3 2019 coverage from Don’t Feed The Gamers below:


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